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Showing words for ANNOUNCING using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Announcing


9 Letter Words for Announcing


8 Letter Words for Announcing


7 Letter Words for Announcing

canning, canoing, conning, cunning, inconnu, nunning

6 Letter Words for Announcing

aconin, agonic, angico, caning, canion, cannon, coning, ganoin, goniac, guacin, guanin, nanigo, nuncio, onning, uncoin, ungain

5 Letter Words for Announcing

acing, acoin, ancon, anion, cagui, canon, canun, cauon, cigua, coign, coing, conga, conia, conin, connu, cuing, cunni, gonia, gonna, guaco, guano, guiac, incan, incog, ingan, ngaio, nguni, nigua, ninon, nonic, nucin, nunni, oncia, oncin, uncia, uninn, union

4 Letter Words for Announcing

agin, agio, agni, agon, ainu, aion, ango, anni, anno, anon, cain, cang, cann, caon, ciao, cion, coin, cong, coni, conn, coua, cuon, gain, gaun, ginn, guan, guao, guna, iago, icao, icon, inca, inga, ingo, nagi, naig, nain, naio, naoi, ngai, nina, niog, nona, nong, noun, nunc, nung, onca, uang, unai, unca, unci, unco, unio

3 Letter Words for Announcing

ago, ain, anc, ann, anu, aug, cag, cai, can, cia, cig, cog, con, cun, gan, gau, gin, gio, gnu, goa, goi, gon, gou, gui, gun, iao, ign, inc, ing, inn, ion, iou, nag, nco, nig, noa, nog, non, nun, oca, ona, oni, oui, uca, una, unc, ung, uni, unn

Definitions for Announcing

[1] to make known publicly or officially; proclaim; give notice of: to announce a special sale.
[2] to state the approach or presence of: to announce guests; to announce dinner.
[3] to make known to the mind or senses.
[4] to serve as an announcer of: The mayor announced the program.
[5] to state; declare.
[6] to state in advance; declare beforehand.
[7] to write, or have printed, and send a formal declaration of an event, especially a social event, as a wedding.
[8] to be employed or serve as an announcer especially of a radio or television broadcast: She announces for the local radio station.
[9] to declare one's candidacy, as for a political office (usually followed by for ): We are hoping that he will announce for governor.
[10] (tr; may take a clause as object) to make known publicly; proclaim
[11] (tr) to declare the arrival of to announce a guest
[12] (tr; may take a clause as object) to reveal to the mind or senses; presage the dark clouds announced rain
[13] (intr) to work as an announcer, as on radio or television
[14] US to make known (one's intention to run as a candidate) to announce for the presidency

Words related to Announcing

announcedisclose, reveal, publish, tell, report, call, release, issue, declare, predict, indicate, signal, drum, blazon, intimate, disseminate, communicate, divulge, promulgate, proclaim

Words nearby Announcing

announceannot., annotate, annotated, annotation, annotinous, announce, announcement, announcer, annoy, annoyance, annoyed

Origin of Announcing

e1490–1500; < Middle French anoncer < Latin annūntiāre, equivalent to an- an-2 + nūntiāre to announce, derivative of nūntius messenger

Words that may be confused with Announcing

WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, announceannounce, enunciate, pronounce

Other words from Announcing

an·nounce·a·ble , adjective
pre·an·nounce , verb (used with object), pre·an·nounced, pre·an·nounc·ing.
re·an·nounce , verb (used with object), re·an·nounced, re·an·nounc·ing.
un·an·nounced , adjective
well-an·nounced , adjective

Word origin for Announcing

eC15: from Old French anoncer, from Latin annuntiāre, from nuntius messenger

Synonyms for Announcing

call, declare, disclose, issue, publish, release, report, reveal, tell, advertise, annunciate, blast, blazon, broadcast, communicate, disseminate, divulge, drum, impart, intimate, proclaim, promulgate, propound, publicize, state, trumpet, give out, make known, make public, pass the word, run off at mouth, sound off, spread around