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Showing words for ANNUITY using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Annuity


5 Letter Words for Annuity

naunt, nintu, ninut, tanny, tinny, tuina, tunna, tunny, uniat, unity, untin

4 Letter Words for Annuity

aint, ainu, aitu, anni, anti, antu, anyu, aunt, ayin, inta, nain, nant, natu, naut, nina, tain, taun, tiny, tuan, tuna, tuny, tyin, unai, unit, unta, utai, yati, yuan

3 Letter Words for Annuity

ain, ait, ann, ant, anu, any, ayu, inn, int, ita, nat, nay, nit, nun, nut, tai, tan, tau, tay, tin, tiu, tua, tui, tun, tuy, uit, una, uni, unn, uta, uti, yan, yat, yin

Definitions for Annuity

[1] a specified income payable at stated intervals for a fixed or a contingent period, often for the recipient's life, in consideration of a stipulated premium paid either in prior installment payments or in a single payment.
[2] the right to receive such an income, or the duty to make such a payment or payments.
[3] a fixed sum payable at specified intervals, esp annually, over a period, such as the recipient's life, or in perpetuity, in return for a premium paid either in instalments or in a single payment
[4] the right to receive or the duty to pay such a sum

Words related to Annuity

refund, return, settlement, restitution, wage, fee, sum, subsidy, deposit, reparation, premium, award, salary, reimbursement, disbursement, outlay, cash, amount, pension, repayment

Words nearby Annuity

annual report, annual ring, annualize, annuit coeptis, annuitant, annuity, annuity certain, annul, annular, annular cataract, annular clock

Origin of Annuity

1400–50; late Middle English < Anglo-French annuité, annualté < Medieval Latin annuitās, equivalent to Latin annu(us ) yearly (derivative of annus year) + -itās -ity

Other words from Annuity

su·per·an·nu·i·ty , noun, plural su·per·an·nu·i·ties.

Word origin for Annuity

C15: from French annuité, from Medieval Latin annuitās, from Latin annuus annual

Synonyms for Annuity

amount, award, cash, deposit, disbursement, fee, outlay, pension, premium, refund, reimbursement, remittance, reparation, repayment, restitution, return, reward, salary, settlement, subsidy, sum, support, wage, acquittal, advance, alimony, amends, amortization, bounty, defrayal, defrayment, discharge, down, hire, indemnification, part, portion, quittance, reckoning, recompense, redress, remuneration, requital, retaliation, pay-off, paying