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Showing words for ANT using the English dictionary

3 Letter Words for Ant

ant, nat, tan

Definitions for Ant

[1] any of numerous black, red, brown, or yellow social insects of the family Formicidae, of worldwide distribution especially in warm climates, having a large head with inner jaws for chewing and outer jaws for carrying and digging, and living in highly organized colonies containing wingless female workers, a winged queen, and, during breeding seasons, winged males, some species being noted for engaging in warfare, slavemaking, or the cultivation of food sources.
[2] have ants in one's pants , Slang . to be impatient or eager to act or speak.
[3] antenna
[4] antonym.
[5] Antarctica.
[6] variant of anti- before a vowel or h: antacid; anthelmintic .
[7] a suffix forming adjectives and nouns from verbs, occurring originally in French and Latin loanwords (pleasant; constant; servant ) and productive in English on this model; -ant has the general sense “characterized by or serving in the capacity of” that named by the stem (ascendant; pretendant ), especially in the formation of nouns denoting human agents in legal actions or other formal procedures (tenant; defendant; applicant; contestant ). In technical and commercial coinages, -ant is a suffix of nouns denoting impersonal physical agents (propellant; lubricant; deodorant ). In general, -ant can be added only to bases of Latin origin, with a very few exceptions, as coolant .
[8] Chiefly British Dialect . contraction of am not.
[9] Dialect . ain't.
[10] any small social insect of the widely distributed hymenopterous family Formicidae, typically living in highly organized colonies of winged males, wingless sterile females (workers), and fertile females (queens), which are winged until after mating See also army ant, fire ant, slave ant, wood ant Related adjective: formic
[11] white ant another name for a termite
[12] have ants in one's pants slang to be restless or impatient
[13] a variant of anti- antacid
[14] (ɑːnt ) a rare variant spelling of aren't
[15] (eɪnt ) dialect a variant spelling of ain't
[16] causing or performing an action or existing in a certain condition; the agent that performs an action pleasant ; claimant ; deodorant ; protestant ; servant

Words related to Ant

tick, vermin, pest, mite, bee, butterfly, gnat, dragonfly, moth, grasshopper, spider, cockroach, termite, mosquito, beetle, flea, aphid, ladybug, nervousness, anxiety

Words nearby Ant

answerable, answerback, answering machine, answering pennant, answering service, ant, ant bear, ant bird, ant cow, ant egg, ant hill

Origin of Ant

'tFirst recorded in 1700–10; see origin at ain't; aren't

Words that may be confused with Ant

ant, aunt

Other words from Ant

ant·like , adjective

Word origin for Ant

-antfrom Latin -ant-, ending of present participles of the first conjugation

Synonyms for Ant

aphid, bee, beetle, butterfly, cockroach, dragonfly, flea, fruit fly, gnat, grasshopper, ladybug, mite, mosquito, moth, pest, spider, termite, tick, vermin, arachnid, arthropod, bedbug, bumblebee, cootie, fly, hornet, louse, daddy longlegs, praying mantis, yellowjacket