11 Letter Words for Antiquities
10 Letter Words for Antiquities
9 Letter Words for Antiquities
antiquist, initiates, inquisite, inusitate, quaintest, quaintise, quitantie, uintaites
8 Letter Words for Antiquities
antiques, equinias, equitant, equitist, initiate, inquiets, inquisit, institue, quanties, questant, quietist, quintets, quistiti, satinite, uintaite
7 Letter Words for Antiquities
antique, asquint, attunes, aunties, equants, equinia, estuant, inquest, inquiet, instate, intuits, isatine, nutates, quattie, quinate, quinies, quinite, quintas, quintes, quintet, satient, satinet, sinaite, sinuate, sitient, sittine, situate, steatin, tanties, tautens, tetanus, tiniest, titanis, titians, tuniest, tunisia, unities, unstate, untaste, usitate
6 Letter Words for Antiquities
astint, astite, astute, attune, auntie, austin, autist, equant, ettins, inique, initis, insite, intuit, intuse, isatin, naique, nasute, nutate, quaint, quanti, quants, queans, queint, quenas, quieta, quieti, quiets, quinas, quines, quinet, quinia, quinie, quinse, quinta, quinte, quints, quites, sainte, saique, santii, satine, sattie, seitan, seniti, sequin, sitten, squint, statin, statue, stenia, sutten, suttin, tainte, taints, tanist, tantie, tasten, taties, taunts, tauten, tenias, tenuis, tenuit, tenuti, tienta, tineas, tinies, tintie, tisane, titans, titian, titien, tuinas, tunist, tutsan, uniate, unites, unseat, unties
5 Letter Words for Antiquities
ainus, aitis, aitus, anise, antes, antiq, antis, astun, atune, aunes, aunts, entia, entsi, etnas, ettin, etuis, insea, inset, insue, intis, intue, inuit, inust, nates, natus, neats, neist, niais, nisei, nitta, quais, quant, quasi, quate, quats, quean, quena, quent, quest, quiet, quina, quine, quins, quint, quist, quite, quits, saine, saint, sanit, satin, saunt, saute, senit, senti, sequa, siena, sient, sinai, sitta, snite, squat, squet, squin, squit, stain, stane, state, staun, stean, stein, stent, stine, stint, stite, stunt, suant, suent, suine, suint, suite, sutta, tains, taint, taise, taits, tanti, taste, tates, tatie, tatin, tatus, taunt, tauts, teats, tenai, tenia, tents, testa, tiens, tinea, tines, tinta, tints, titan, titis, tsine, tuans, tuant, tuina, tunas, tunes, tunis, tutin, unais, uniat, unist, unite, units, unset, untie, usant, usent, usine, usnea
4 Letter Words for Antiquities
aine, ains, aint, ainu, aits, aitu, anes, anet, anis, ansi, ansu, ante, anti, ants, antu, anus, asin, ates, atis, atte, attn, aune, aunt, aute, eans, east, eats, eaus, esau, etas, etat, etna, etua, etui, inia, init, inst, inta, inti, isnt, itai, itas, nais, nasi, nast, nats, natu, naut, neat, nest, neti, nets, neut, nies, nisi, nist, nits, nuts, qats, quai, quan, quat, quei, ques, quet, quia, quin, quis, quit, sain, sane, sant, sate, sati, saut, sean, seat, seit, sena, sent, seta, sett, sian, sien, sina, sine, sita, site, siti, situ, snit, stat, sten, stet, stie, stue, stun, stut, suet, suit, sune, suni, sunt, taen, tain, tais, tait, tane, tans, tasu, tate, tats, tatu, taun, taus, taut, tean, teas, teat, tens, tent, test, tets, tien, ties, tine, tins, tint, tite, titi, tits, tsia, tsun, tuan, tues, tuis, tuna, tune, tuns, tute, tuts, unai, unie, unis, unit, unta, utai, utas, utes, utis
3 Letter Words for Antiquities
aes, ain, ais, ait, ane, ans, ant, anu, ase, ast, ate, att, ean, eas, eat, eau, ens, esq, est, esu, eta, iii, ins, int, iqs, ise, isn, ist, ita, its, nae, nas, nat, nea, nei, net, nie, nis, nit, nus, nut, qat, qis, qts, qua, que, qui, sai, san, sat, sau, sea, sei, sen, seq, set, sie, sin, sit, sta, sue, sui, sun, suq, tai, tan, tas, tat, tau, tea, ten, tes, tet, tie, tin, tis, tit, tiu, tnt, tsi, tst, tua, tue, tui, tun, tut, uit, una, uni, unq, uns, usa, use, ust, uta, ute, uti, uts
Definitions for Antiquities
[1] the quality of being ancient; ancientness: a bowl of great antiquity.
[2] ancient times; former ages: the splendor of antiquity.
[3] the period of history before the Middle Ages.
[4] the peoples, nations, tribes, or cultures of ancient times.
[5] Usually antiquities. something belonging to or remaining from ancient times, as monuments, relics, or customs.
[6] remains or relics, such as statues, buildings, or coins, that date from ancient times
[7] the quality of being ancient or very old a vase of great antiquity
[8] the far distant past, esp the time preceding the Middle Ages in Europe
[9] the people of ancient times collectively; the ancients
Words related to Antiquities
antiquityantique, relic, ruin, age, archaism
Words nearby Antiquities
antiquityantique, antique glass, antiquer, antiquey, antiquities, antiquity, antirachitic, antiracism, antiradical, antirecessionary, antireflection coating
Origin of Antiquities
y1350–1400; Middle English antiquite < Anglo-French < Latin antīquitās, equivalent to antīqu(us ) old (see antique) + -itās -ity
Other words from Antiquities
pre·an·tiq·ui·ty , noun, plural pre·an·tiq·ui·ties.
sub·an·tiq·ui·ty , noun, plural sub·an·tiq·ui·ties.
Synonyms for Antiquities
antique, relic, ruin