10 Letter Words for Antithetic
9 Letter Words for Antithetic
8 Letter Words for Antithetic
antithet, ethician, incitate, titanite
7 Letter Words for Antithetic
catheti, cathine, chantie, chianti, etchant, hittite, ichnite, inhiate, nictate, nitchie, tactite, tetanic, titanic
6 Letter Words for Antithetic
acetin, actine, anetic, attent, attice, canthi, cathin, cattie, centai, chaine, chatti, chitin, ctenii, echini, enatic, entach, ethnic, incite, intact, intice, netcha, tahini, tahiti, tainte, tantie, tattie, thecia, thetic, thetin, tienta, tietac, tintie, titian, titien, tittie
5 Letter Words for Antithetic
acini, actin, ahent, ahint, aitch, antic, attic, caneh, ceint, centi, cetin, chain, chait, chant, chati, cheat, chena, chian, chien, china, chine, chint, enact, encia, enhat, eniac, entia, ethic, ettin, haine, haint, haiti, hance, hatte, hatti, hiant, hiate, iceni, inact, nache, natch, nathe, neath, necia, niche, nicht, nitch, nitta, tacet, tache, tachi, tacit, tahin, taich, taint, tanti, tatie, tatin, tchai, teach, tecta, tenai, tench, tenia, tenth, tetch, thane, thatn, theat, theca, theia, theic, thein, theta, thine, tinca, tinct, tinea, tinta, titan, titch, tithe
4 Letter Words for Antithetic
ache, acne, acth, aine, aint, aith, ance, anet, ante, anti, atte, attn, cain, cane, cant, cate, cath, cent, ceti, chai, chan, chat, chen, chia, chin, chit, cine, cite, each, eath, echt, etat, etch, etic, etna, haec, haen, hain, hait, hani, hant, hate, hatt, heat, heii, hent, hine, hint, inca, inch, inia, init, inta, inti, itai, itch, nace, nach, neat, neth, neti, nice, tace, tach, tact, taen, tain, tait, tane, tanh, tate, tath, tatt, tche, tean, teat, teca, tech, tent, teth, thae, thai, than, that, thea, then, thin, tice, tich, tien, tinc, tine, tint, tite, titi
3 Letter Words for Antithetic
ace, ach, act, ahi, ain, ait, anc, ane, ant, ate, att, cai, can, cat, cen, cha, che, chi, chn, cia, cie, cit, cte, ctn, ean, eat, ech, ect, enc, eta, etc, eth, hae, han, hat, hei, hen, het, hia, hic, hie, hin, hit, ice, ich, ihi, inc, int, ita, nae, nah, nat, nea, nei, net, nie, nit, nth, tai, tan, tat, tch, tea, tec, ten, tet, tha, the, tic, tie, tin, tit, tnt
Definitions for Antithetic
[1] of the nature of or involving antithesis.
[2] directly opposed or contrasted; opposite.
[3] of the nature of antithesis
[4] directly contrasted
Words related to Antithetic
alconflicting, antithetical, incompatible, contrary, inconsistent, paradoxical, contrasting, disparate, distinct, distinctive, peculiar, offbeat, diverse, various, particular, distant, other, divergent, counter, reverse
Words nearby Antithetic
alantiterrorist, antitheft, antithenar, antithermic, antithesis, antithetical, antithrombin, antithrombotic, antitorque rotor, antitoxic, antitoxin
Origin of Antithetic
al1575–85; antithetic (< Greek antithetikós, equivalent to anti(ti)thé(nai ) to set in opposition + -tikos -tic) + -al1
Other words from Antithetic
an·ti·thet·i·cal·ly , adverb
Synonyms for Antithetic
antithetical, conflicting, contrary, incompatible, inconsistent, paradoxical, anti, antipodal, con, converse, counter, opposite, reverse, adverse, against, agin, antipodean, counteractive, diametric, discrepant, incongruous, irreconcilable, negating, no go, nullifying, opposing, ornery, polar, repugnant