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Showing words for APPLICABLE using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Applicable
9 Letter Words for Applicable
8 Letter Words for Applicable
7 Letter Words for Applicable
6 Letter Words for Applicable
5 Letter Words for Applicable
4 Letter Words for Applicable
3 Letter Words for Applicable
Definitions for Applicable
[1] applying or capable of being applied; relevant; suitable; appropriate: an applicable rule; a solution that is applicable to the problem.
[2] being appropriate or relevant; able to be applied; fitting
Words related to Applicable
relevant, pertinent, germane, suited, useful, suitable, apposite, apropos, apt, befitting, felicitous, fit, fitting, kosher, legit, material, applicative, applicatory, associable
Words nearby Applicable
appleton, appleton layer, appley, appliance, appliance garage, applicable, applicant, application, application program, applications package, applicative
Origin of Applicable
1400–50; < Latin applic(āre ) to apply + -able, or < Middle French applicable, Medieval Latin applicābilis; replacing late Middle English appliable
Other words from Applicable
ap·pli·ca·bil·i·ty , ap·pli·ca·ble·ness , noun
ap·pli·ca·bly , adverb
non·ap·pli·ca·bil·i·ty , noun
non·ap·pli·ca·ble , adjective
non·ap·pli·ca·ble·ness , noun
un·ap·pli·ca·bil·i·ty , noun
un·ap·pli·ca·ble , adjective
un·ap·pli·ca·ble·ness , noun
un·ap·pli·ca·bly , adverb
Synonyms for Applicable
germane, pertinent, relevant, suitable, suited, useful, applicative, applicatory, apposite, apropos, apt, associable, befitting, felicitous, fit, fitting, kosher, legit, material, on target, on the button, on the nose, right on, that's the idea, that's the ticket, to the point, to the purpose