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Showing words for APPROPRIATOR using the English dictionary
12 Letter Words for Appropriator
9 Letter Words for Appropriator
8 Letter Words for Appropriator
7 Letter Words for Appropriator
6 Letter Words for Appropriator
5 Letter Words for Appropriator
4 Letter Words for Appropriator
3 Letter Words for Appropriator
Definitions for Appropriator
[1] suitable or fitting for a particular purpose, person, occasion, etc.: an appropriate example; an appropriate dress.
[2] belonging to or peculiar to a person; proper: Each played his appropriate part.
[3] to set apart, authorize, or legislate for some specific purpose or use: The legislature appropriated funds for the university.
[4] to take to or for oneself; take possession of.
[5] to take without permission or consent; seize; expropriate: He appropriated the trust funds for himself.
[6] to steal, especially to commit petty theft.
[7] right or suitable; fitting
[8] rare particular; own they had their appropriate methods
[9] to take for one's own use, esp illegally or without permission
[10] to put aside (funds, etc) for a particular purpose or person
Words related to Appropriator
appropriateclaimant, discoverer, spotter
Words nearby Appropriator
appropriateapprobate, approbation, approbative, appropriable, appropriacy, appropriate, appropriation, approvable, approval, approve, approved school
Origin of Appropriator
e1515–25; < Late Latin appropriātus made one's own (past participle of appropriāre ), equivalent to Latin ap- ap-1 + propri(us ) one's own + -ātus -ate1
Words that may be confused with Appropriator
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, appropriateappropriate, apropos, expropriate
Other words from Appropriator
ap·pro·pri·ate·ly , adverb
ap·pro·pri·ate·ness , noun
ap·pro·pri·a·tive [uh -proh -pree-ey-tiv, -uh -tiv] /əˈproʊ priˌeɪ tɪv, -ə tɪv/ , adjective
ap·pro·pri·a·tive·ness , noun
ap·pro·pri·a·tor , noun
non·ap·pro·pri·a·tive , adjective
qua·si-ap·pro·pri·ate , adjective
qua·si-ap·pro·pri·ate·ly , adverb
re·ap·pro·pri·ate , verb (used with object), re·ap·pro·pri·at·ed, re·ap·pro·pri·at·ing.
well-ap·pro·pri·at·ed , adjective
Word origin for Appropriator
eC15: from Late Latin appropriāre to make one's own, from Latin proprius one's own; see proper
Synonyms for Appropriator
acquirer, claimant, discoverer, spotter, search party