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Showing words for ARCFORM using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Arcform
6 Letter Words for Arcform
carrom, marcor
5 Letter Words for Arcform
armor, carom, coram, foram, forma, forra, macro, marco, maroc, maror, morra
4 Letter Words for Arcform
acor, afro, amor, arco, camo, carf, carr, coma, comr, cora, corf, corm, corr, cram, farm, faro, foam, form, from, maco, marc, maro, moca, mora, orca, orra, roam, roar, roma
3 Letter Words for Arcform
aor, arc, arf, arm, arr, caf, cam, car, cfm, com, cor, cro, fac, fam, fao, far, for, fra, fro, mac, mao, mar, mcf, mfa, mfr, moa, moc, mor, oaf, oam, oar, oca, ora, orc, orf, raf, ram, roc, rom
Definitions for Arcform
[1] noting a type of cargo-ship construction in which the sides have the form of arcs so drawn that the greatest breadth is at load waterline, the purpose being to promote the flow of water to the propeller with an easy bilge and without loss of capacity.
Words nearby Arcform
arccos, arce, arcella, arcesilaus, arcesius, arcform, arch, arch beam, arch board, arch brace, arch dam
Origin of Arcform
arc + -form