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Showing words for ARCHITECTONIC using the English dictionary

13 Letter Words for Architectonic


12 Letter Words for Architectonic


11 Letter Words for Architectonic

antichretic, anticrochet

10 Letter Words for Architectonic

aceconitic, acherontic, anchoretic, anchoritic, anorthitic, antierotic, antihectic, antiheroic, cathection, chonicrite, citraconic, concertati, corinthiac, incrotchet, recitation, rheotactic, technocrat, tetracocci, theocratic, theorician, thioacetic, thorianite

9 Letter Words for Architectonic

accretion, anchorite, anicteric, anorectic, anorthite, antechoir, architect, archontic, cacoethic, carnotite, cathectic, ceratitic, choreatic, circinate, cocentric, conchitic, corticate, corticine, cortinate, crocethia, hairtonic, heatronic, inctirate, intricate, iteration, octactine, recontact, thiacetic, thranitic, triactine, trichinae, tricotine, trochitic

8 Letter Words for Architectonic

accentor, acentric, acetonic, achirite, achroite, acinetic, aconitic, actioner, anchoret, anechoic, anerotic, anoretic, anorthic, anthroic, antihero, antiriot, archeion, archetto, artinite, atechnic, athonite, atrichic, cachetic, cahincic, canchito, canotier, catchier, catechin, cationic, catoctin, ceration, chancier, chancito, chantier, charecin, charneco, chattier, chicaner, chicaric, chinotti, chittier, choanite, choccier, choicier, chronica, ciceroni, citation, cocceian, coccerin, cocinera, concetti, conchate, conchite, contchar, contract, contrate, contrite, coracine, cornetti, corniche, corticin, cratonic, creation, crenitic, cretinic, crocetin, crociate, crotchet, eccritic, ectrotic, enchoric, encratic, encroach, ethician, ethionic, hetairic, hieratic, hinctier, inchoate, incitate, interact, itaconic, narcotic, nearctic, necrotic, notchier, notitiae, orchanet, orchitic, ornithic, orthitic, otariine, otiatric, rachitic, rchitect, reaction, rectitic, retation, ricochet, taconite, tanchoir, technica, tectonic, tentoria, tetronic, theatric, theatron, theocrat, theoriai, theorica, thioacet, thionate, thoracic, thoriate, thranite, titchier, tithonia, tithonic, traction, tranchet, trichina, trichion, trichite, triconch, trioecia, tritonia, trochaic, trochate, trochite

7 Letter Words for Architectonic

acetoin, acheron, achiote, aconite, acronic, acrotic, actinic, anchoic, anither, anorchi, another, anticor, antoeci, archine, archont, aricine, athenor, atretic, attonce, cantico, cantier, caroche, caronic, carotic, carotin, carotte, catchen, catcher, catchie, cathect, cathern, catheti, cathine, cathion, cattier, centiar, centric, ceratin, cerotic, cerotin, certain, certhia, cetonia, chaccon, chainer, chancer, chancre, chanter, chantie, chantor, chaotic, chariot, chatter, chenica, chianti, chicane, chicano, chicote, chitter, choicer, choreic, chorine, chorten, chronic, chrotta, ciconia, cincher, citator, cithern, citrate, citrean, citrine, cittern, coacher, cocaine, cochair, coenact, cohitre, cointer, conacre, conceit, concert, concher, conchie, concite, contact, contect, contrat, corance, corchat, corinth, cornett, cornice, cortian, cortina, cortine, cotrine, cottier, creatic, cretion, criance, crinate, crinite, croceic, crocein, crochet, crocine, crottin, ectatic, enactor, enchair, encoach, entotic, erotica, etchant, hairnet, haricot, hartite, henotic, hiation, hircine, hortite, ichnite, icteria, icteric, inciter, inearth, inertia, inherit, inhiate, intrait, intrate, introit, irenica, ironice, itchier, iterant, nacrite, naither, nattier, neritic, nicotia, nicotic, nictate, nitchie, nitrate, nitrite, nittier, noritic, notcher, noticer, notitia, oaritic, occitan, oceanic, octarch, oncetta, oneiric, orcanet, orectic, orthant, orthian, orthite, otarine, ratchet, rathite, recatch, rechain, rechant, recoach, rection, retinic, rhaetic, rheinic, rheotan, ricotta, rotchie, tacrine, taction, taintor, tantric, tarchon, tartine, technic, tectona, teratic, tertian, tetanic, theoria, theoric, theriac, therian, thionic, thorina, thorite, ticchen, tichier, tintier, titanic, toccate, tonetic, torchet, tranche, tranect, triatic, trichia, tritone

6 Letter Words for Architectonic

accent, accite, aceric, acerin, acetic, acetin, achier, achter, acinic, acoine, aconic, acrite, actine, action, aeonic, aethon, aition, anchor, anetic, anorth, anteri, anther, aortic, archei, archie, archin, archit, archon, arctic, areito, aricin, aroint, athort, atoner, atonic, atroce, attern, attice, attire, attone, attorn, cachet, cachot, cahier, cancer, canier, canter, canthi, cantic, cantor, caoine, carien, carnet, carnic, caroch, carone, carton, catcht, cathin, cathro, cation, catter, cattie, cearin, centai, centra, centro, chacte, chaine, chance, chanco, chaori, charco, charet, charie, charon, chaton, chatti, chenar, cherna, chicer, chicon, chicot, chinar, chinoa, chitin, chiton, chitra, choate, choice, chonta, chorea, chorei, choria, choric, cicero, cichar, cicone, cincha, cinter, cither, citric, citrin, citron, coarct, coater, coatie, coccin, cocher, cochin, coheir, cohert, coiner, concha, conche, conite, conter, contra, corach, coriin, corita, cornea, cornet, cornic, cortin, cotice, cottar, cotter, crache, crance, cranch, cranet, cranic, cratch, craton, creach, creant, crenic, cretan, cretic, cretin, criant, crinch, crinet, critch, critic, croche, crocin, cronet, cronie, crotch, crotin, ctenii, earcon, echini, echoic, ecorch, enarch, enatic, enhort, enrich, entach, entria, eriach, erotic, ethion, ethnic, hairen, harico, harten, hartin, hatter, hectar, hectic, hector, heriot, hernia, heroic, heroin, hicaco, hieron, hinter, hircic, hircin, hitter, hoenir, horace, hornet, hotter, hottie, iatric, iconic, inarch, incher, incite, inctri, intact, intice, intire, intort, ionate, irchin, irenic, ironic, ittria, nather, natter, nectar, nerita, netcha, nicher, nither, nitric, nitter, noetic, norate, norice, norite, notate, nother, notice, nritta, ochrea, octane, octant, octect, octine, oniric, orache, orante, orcein, orchat, orchen, orchic, orcine, oretic, orient, ornate, ornith, orthic, otiant, otitic, racche, rachet, racine, racion, ranche, rancho, rancio, ratine, ration, ratite, ratten, ratton, recant, recoat, recoct, recoin, retain, retina, retint, rhenic, rhotic, richea, richen, ricine, rochet, roncet, rotate, rotche, rottan, rotten, tactic, tactor, tahini, tahiti, tainte, tanier, tanrec, tantie, tarten, techno, tentor, tercia, tercio, tertia, tertii, tertio, terton, tetrao, tetric, thecia, theirn, thenar, thetic, thetin, thoria, thoric, thrace, thrain, threat, thrice, throat, throne, ticino, tictac, tictic, tictoc, tienta, tiento, tietac, tinier, tinter, tintie, titano, tither, titian, titien, tocher, tonier, tonite, torten, tortie, tother, trance, trench, triace, triact, tricae, trichi, tricon, tricot, triton, trocha, troche, trochi

5 Letter Words for Architectonic

acher, achor, acier, acini, acoin, acone, acorn, acron, actin, acton, actor, aeric, aeron, ahent, ahint, ainoi, airth, aitch, ancho, ancor, ancre, antic, antre, arche, archt, arent, arett, ariot, arite, arith, artic, atone, atren, atter, attic, cacei, cache, cachi, cacti, cahot, cairn, cairo, canch, caneh, caner, canoe, canto, caret, carne, carot, carte, catch, cater, ccitt, cecca, ceint, centi, cento, cerat, cerci, ceria, ceric, cerin, cetic, cetin, chace, chaco, chain, chair, chait, chant, chare, chart, chati, cheat, cheir, chena, chert, chian, chiao, chica, chico, chien, china, chine, chino, chint, chiro, chirt, choca, choir, chore, chort, chota, chott, chria, chron, cicer, cinch, cinct, circa, circe, cirio, citer, coach, coact, coart, coate, coati, cocci, cocin, cohen, conch, coner, conia, conic, conta, conte, contr, corah, coran, coria, corni, corta, cotan, cotch, cothe, cotta, cotte, craie, crain, crane, crate, crcao, crche, crena, creta, crine, crith, croat, crone, earth, ecart, echar, enact, encia, enhat, eniac, enoch, entia, eoith, erato, erica, ethic, ettin, haine, haint, haire, haiti, hance, hanoi, haori, hater, hatte, hatti, heart, hecco, heron, hiant, hiate, hiera, hiren, honer, hotei, hoten, icaco, iceni, ichor, icica, icier, ictic, inact, incor, incra, inert, inter, intra, intro, ionia, ionic, iortn, irani, irate, irena, irian, irone, ither, nache, nacho, nacre, narco, naric, natch, nathe, neath, necia, necro, nicer, niche, nicht, niota, nitch, niter, nitro, nitta, nocht, noire, noria, norie, norit, north, notch, noter, oaric, oaten, oater, ocean, ocher, ochna, ocrea, octan, octet, octic, ohare, oncer, oncet, oncia, ontic, orach, orant, orate, orcin, ortet, otate, other, ottar, otter, rache, racon, raine, rance, ranch, ratch, rathe, ratio, ratti, reach, react, recco, recit, recon, recti, recto, reich, reina, retan, retch, retia, retin, rheic, rhein, rhine, rhino, rhone, riant, riche, richt, ricin, rinch, rithe, roach, roate, roche, rocta, rohan, ronte, rotan, rotch, rotta, rotte, tacet, tache, tachi, tacho, tacit, tahin, taich, taino, taint, tairn, tanti, tanto, tarie, tarin, taroc, tarot, tarte, tater, tatie, tatin, tchai, teach, teart, tecon, tecta, tenai, tench, tenia, tenio, tenor, tenth, terai, terna, tetch, tetra, tetri, thane, thatn, theat, theca, theia, theic, thein, their, theor, theta, thine, thirt, thone, thore, thorn, thort, thrae, throe, ticca, ticer, tinca, tinct, tinea, tinta, titan, titar, titch, titer, tithe, toher, toner, tonic, toran, torch, toret, toric, torii, torta, torte, toter, trace, tract, train, trait, trant, treat, triac, trica, trice, trina, trine, trite, troat, troca, troch, troic, trona, tronc, trone, troth

4 Letter Words for Architectonic

acce, acct, acer, ache, acne, acor, acre, acth, aero, aine, aint, aion, aire, airn, airt, aith, ance, anet, anre, ante, anti, arch, arco, aren, aret, arni, arno, arte, atoc, atte, attn, cace, caci, caic, cain, cair, canc, cane, cant, caon, care, carn, cart, cate, cath, ceca, cent, cera, cern, cero, cert, ceti, chai, chan, chao, char, chat, chen, cher, chia, chic, chin, chit, choc, chon, ciao, cine, cion, cira, circ, cire, cite, cito, coat, coca, coch, coct, coin, coir, coit, conc, cone, coni, cont, cora, core, corn, cort, cote, coth, cott, cran, cric, crin, crit, croc, croh, each, earn, eath, ecch, ecco, echo, echt, econ, ecto, eira, ento, entr, eoan, erat, eria, eric, erin, erth, etat, etch, etic, etna, eton, haec, haen, hain, hair, hait, hani, hant, hare, harn, haro, hart, hate, hatt, hear, heat, heii, heir, hent, hera, hern, hero, hert, hine, hint, hire, hiro, hoar, hoer, hoin, hoit, hone, hont, hora, hore, horn, hort, hote, hoti, iare, icao, icer, icho, icon, inca, inch, incr, inia, init, inro, inta, inti, into, intr, iota, iran, iron, itai, itch, iter, nace, nach, naio, naoi, narc, nare, nato, natr, near, neat, neth, neti, nice, nito, noah, noir, nore, nori, nota, note, nott, oath, oche, ocht, octa, oeci, ohia, oint, onca, once, oner, orae, oran, orca, orch, orna, orth, otic, race, rach, rain, rait, rane, rant, rate, rath, rato, rean, rect, rein, reit, reno, rent, rhea, rheo, rhet, rice, rich, rine, riot, rita, rite, ritt, roan, roch, roin, roit, rone, ront, rota, rotc, rote, roti, tace, tach, taco, tact, taen, tahr, tain, tait, tane, tanh, tare, tari, tarn, taro, tart, tate, tath, tche, tchr, tean, tear, teat, teca, tech, tehr, tent, tera, tern, teth, thae, thai, than, thar, that, thea, then, thin, thio, thir, thon, thor, thro, tiao, tiar, tice, tich, tien, tier, tinc, tine, tint, tire, tite, titi, toat, toch, toea, toit, tone, torc, tore, tori, torn, tort, tote, trac, trah, trat, tret, trie, trin, trio, trit, trna, tron, trot

3 Letter Words for Architectonic

acc, ace, ach, act, aer, ahi, aho, ain, air, ait, anc, ane, ant, aor, arc, are, arn, art, ate, att, cai, can, car, cat, cen, ceo, cer, cha, che, chi, chn, cho, cia, cie, cir, cit, con, cor, cot, crc, cro, crt, cte, ctn, cto, ctr, ean, ear, eat, ecc, ech, eco, ect, eir, enc, eon, era, ern, ert, eta, etc, eth, hae, han, hao, hat, hei, hen, heo, her, het, hia, hic, hie, hin, hir, hit, hoa, hoc, hoe, hoi, hon, hor, hot, iao, ice, ich, ihi, inc, int, ion, ira, ire, ita, nae, nah, nar, nat, nco, nea, nei, neo, net, nie, nit, noa, noh, nor, not, nth, oar, oat, oca, och, oct, oer, oie, oii, ona, one, oni, ont, ora, orc, ore, ort, otc, rah, rai, ran, rat, rct, rea, rec, reh, rei, rha, rhe, rho, ria, rie, rin, rio, rit, rna, roc, roe, roi, ron, rot, rte, rti, tai, tan, tao, tar, tat, tch, tea, tec, ten, ter, tet, tha, the, tho, tic, tie, tin, tit, tnt, toa, toc, toe, toi, ton, tor, tot, tra, tri, trt

Definitions for Architectonic

[1] of or relating to the principles of architecture.
[2] resembling architecture, especially in its highly organized manner or technique of structure: the architectonic perfection of his new novel.
[3] denoting, relating to, or having architectural qualities
[4] metaphysics of or relating to the systematic classification of knowledge

Words related to Architectonic

building, constructive, engineered

Words nearby Architectonic

archiphoneme, archiplasm, archit., architect, architect's table, architectonic, architectonics, architectural, architectural bronze, architecture, architecture parlante

Origin of Architectonic

1635–45; < Latin architectonicus < Greek architektonikós of, belonging to architecture. See archi-, tectonic

Other words from Architectonic

ar·chi·tec·ton·i·cal·ly , adverb
non·ar·chi·tec·ton·ic , adjective

Word origin for Architectonic

C16: from Late Latin architectonicus concerning architecture; see architect

Synonyms for Architectonic

building, constructive, engineered