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Showing words for ARISTOTYPE using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Aristotype


9 Letter Words for Aristotype

poetastry, posterity

8 Letter Words for Aristotype

artotype, asperity, astroite, isoptera, ostraite, partyist, patriots, petitory, peyotist, portiest, proseity, prostate, protista, pyrostat, rispetto, spottier, storiate, tapestry, toastier, trypiate, tryptase

7 Letter Words for Aristotype

airpost, airstop, aptotes, arsoite, artiest, artiste, atiptoe, atopies, atopite, atrepsy, attires, esparto, iratest, isopyre, isotype, oariest, opiates, osteria, ostiary, ostiate, otaries, otiatry, parotis, parties, partite, pastier, patriot, patrist, patters, patties, periost, petitor, petrosa, piaster, pirates, pitters, poister, poriest, portate, potters, pottery, pottier, potties, praties, prostie, proteas, protest, protist, pterois, pyrites, raptest, raspite, ratites, reposit, retoast, riposte, ropiest, rosetty, rotates, satiety, seaport, seorita, sepiary, soapery, soapier, sortita, sottery, spatter, sperity, spirate, spitter, spotter, spratty, spretty, spritty, spyeria, stipate, stoater, stoiter, striate, stripey, tapetis, tapiser, tapster, tapstry, tastier, teapots, teapoys, tearpit, tertias, tipster, tiptoes, toaster, toastie, topiary, tortays, traipse, tropate, tropist, typiest, yapster, yatters, yttrias

6 Letter Words for Aristotype

airest, aorist, apiose, apoise, aptest, aptote, areito, aretts, ariose, ariste, aristo, arties, artist, artois, aseity, aspire, asport, astert, astite, astore, atresy, attery, attire, ayries, epirot, epitra, epoist, eprosy, esprit, estray, oaters, operas, opiate, optate, opters, orates, orites, osiery, osprey, ostrea, ostrya, ottars, otters, oyster, paires, pareos, paries, pariet, parity, partes, partie, partis, paster, pastie, pastor, pastry, patesi, patios, patise, patois, patter, pattes, payers, payors, pearst, perais, persia, persio, petars, petary, petits, petsai, pettis, pierst, pietas, piotty, pioyes, pirate, piraty, pisote, pittas, pitter, poetry, poiser, porett, porite, portas, portia, posier, postea, poster, postie, potate, potsie, potter, praise, prates, pratey, pratie, pratts, pratty, presay, presto, pretty, priest, prosit, protea, protei, psetta, pteria, pteris, pyrite, rapist, ratios, ratite, reasty, reisty, repast, repays, repost, repots, resoap, respot, ripest, roates, rosety, rosita, rotate, rottes, sapote, satire, satori, sattie, sirpea, sitrep, sittar, sitter, soaper, soapie, soirae, sopite, sorite, sortie, sotter, sottie, soyate, spatio, speary, spirae, spirea, sporty, spotty, sprite, sproat, sproty, stairy, starty, stater, stator, stayer, stayre, stoper, storay, stoter, strait, strate, strati, streit, striae, stripe, stripy, strype, taoist, tapers, tapery, tapeti, tapets, tapirs, tapist, tarots, tarpot, taster, taters, taties, teapot, teapoy, tepary, tepoys, terais, tertia, tertio, testao, testar, testor, tetrao, tetras, tiptoe, tiroes, titers, toasty, topers, tortes, tortie, tortis, toters, totery, toyers, traist, traits, trapes, treats, treaty, tretis, triops, triose, tripes, tripey, tripos, tripot, triste, trites, troats, tropes, tropia, trpset, tryste, typier, typist, typtos, tystie, yarest, yartos, yatter, yttria

5 Letter Words for Aristotype

aesir, aiery, airts, apers, apert, apery, apios, aport, apres, apter, arest, arets, arett, aries, ariot, arise, arist, arite, arose, artsy, asper, aster, astir, astor, astre, atopy, atrip, atter, attry, ayres, ayrie, earst, epist, epris, erato, estop, estro, eyots, eyras, iotas, irate, ireos, isort, iters, oater, opera, opter, orate, oriya, orpit, ortet, osier, ostia, otary, otate, ottar, otter, oyers, paire, pairs, pairt, paise, pareo, pares, paris, parse, parsi, parte, parti, parto, parts, party, paseo, paste, pasto, pasty, pates, patio, patsy, patte, patty, payer, payor, pears, peart, peasy, peats, peaty, perai, peris, perit, perst, perts, perty, pesto, pesty, petar, petas, petit, petos, petri, petro, petti, petto, petty, piers, piert, piest, pieta, piets, piety, pioye, pioys, pirot, pisay, piste, pitas, pitta, poesy, poets, poire, poise, pores, poret, poria, porta, porte, ports, porty, poser, posey, posit, poter, potes, potsy, potti, potts, potty, poyse, praos, prase, prate, prats, pratt, praty, prays, presa, preta, preys, pries, proas, prose, prost, prosy, prote, pryse, psoae, psoai, psora, ptyas, pyats, pyets, pyots, pyres, pyros, raise, raits, rapes, raspy, rasty, rates, ratio, ratos, ratti, ratty, reais, reaps, reast, reasy, reist, repas, repay, repos, repot, resat, resay, resit, resty, retia, retip, riots, ripes, rites, ritts, roast, roate, roist, ropes, roset, rosit, rosti, rotas, rotes, rotis, rotta, rotte, royet, royst, ryots, sairy, sapir, sapit, sapor, sarip, sarpo, satyr, sayer, seary, seity, seora, sepia, sepoy, septa, serai, serio, serta, siper, sirop, sitao, sitar, sitta, soapi, soapy, soare, soary, sopra, sorta, sorty, sotie, spaer, spair, spait, spare, spart, spary, spate, spear, speat, speir, spier, spira, spire, spiro, spiry, spite, spore, sport, sprat, spray, spret, sprit, sprot, spyer, staio, stair, stare, start, stary, state, stear, stept, steri, stero, stert, stipa, stipe, stipo, stire, stirp, stite, stoae, stoai, stoat, stoep, stoit, stopa, stope, stopt, store, story, strae, strap, stray, strep, strey, stria, strip, strit, strop, stroy, styre, styte, syria, taipo, taise, taits, taper, tapes, tapet, tapir, tapis, tapit, tares, tarie, taros, tarot, tarps, tarse, tarsi, tarte, tarts, tarty, taser, taste, tasty, tater, tates, tatie, tayer, tayir, tears, teart, teary, teasy, teats, teaty, tepas, tepor, tepoy, terai, terap, teras, terts, testa, testy, tetra, tetri, tiars, tiers, tipsy, tires, tisar, titar, titer, toast, toeas, toise, toist, toits, toity, topas, toper, topes, topia, topsy, tores, toret, torse, torta, torte, torts, toter, totes, toyer, trait, trape, traps, trapt, trasy, trats, trays, treas, treat, trest, treys, trias, tries, trios, tripe, trips, tript, tripy, trist, trite, troat, trois, trope, trots, troys, trypa, tryps, tryst, tyers, typer, types, typos, typto, tyros, tyste, yarto, yates, years, yeast, yeats, yetis, yetts, yipes, yites, yores, ypres, yrapt, ytost, ytter

4 Letter Words for Aristotype

aero, aire, airs, airt, airy, aits, aper, apes, apio, apis, apse, apts, ares, aret, aris, arte, arts, arty, asio, asop, asor, aspy, astr, ates, atip, atis, atop, atry, atte, atty, ayes, ayre, ears, east, easy, eats, eira, eiry, epit, epos, eras, erat, eria, eris, eros, erst, esop, espy, etas, etat, eyas, eyot, eyra, iare, iota, ipse, ipso, ires, irpe, itas, iter, itsy, iyar, oars, oary, oast, oats, oaty, opai, opes, opsy, opts, orae, oras, ores, orts, osar, otis, oyer, oyes, pair, pais, pare, pari, pars, part, pase, pasi, paso, past, pate, pato, pats, patt, paty, paye, pays, payt, peai, pear, peas, peat, peri, pers, pert, pesa, peso, pest, peta, peto, pets, pias, pier, pies, piet, pioy, pirs, pisa, pise, piso, pist, pita, pits, pity, poas, poet, pois, pore, port, pory, pose, post, posy, pote, poti, pots, pott, prao, prat, pray, pres, pret, prey, prie, prio, proa, pros, prys, psia, ptts, pyas, pyat, pyes, pyet, pyot, pyre, pyro, rais, rait, rape, raps, rapt, rasp, rast, rate, rato, rats, rays, reap, reit, repo, reps, rept, resp, rest, rets, rias, ries, riot, ripa, ripe, rips, ript, rise, risp, rist, rita, rite, rits, ritt, roes, roey, roit, rope, ropy, rosa, rose, rost, rosy, rota, rote, roti, rots, royt, ryas, ryes, ryot, rype, saip, sair, sapo, sare, sari, sart, sate, sati, sear, seat, seir, seit, seor, sept, sero, sert, seta, sett, sier, sipe, sire, sita, site, soap, soar, soir, sope, sora, sore, sori, sort, sory, spae, spar, spat, spay, spet, spie, spit, spor, spot, spry, stap, star, stat, stay, step, ster, stet, stey, stie, stir, stoa, stop, stor, stot, stra, stre, sype, syre, syrt, tais, tait, taos, tape, taps, tare, tari, taro, tarp, tars, tart, tate, tats, tays, teap, tear, teas, teat, tepa, tera, terp, test, tets, tiao, tiar, tier, ties, tipe, tips, tipt, tire, tite, tits, toat, toea, toes, toey, toit, tope, topi, tops, tore, tori, tors, tort, tosa, tose, tosy, tote, tots, toty, toys, trap, trat, tray, tres, tret, trey, trie, trio, trip, trit, trop, trot, troy, trye, tryp, tryt, tsia, tyer, tyes, type, typo, tyro, tyte, tyto, yair, yaps, yare, yate, yati, year, yeas, yeat, yeps, yeso, yest, yeta, yeti, yett, yipe, yips, yite, yore, yote

3 Letter Words for Aristotype

aer, aes, air, ais, ait, aor, ape, apr, apt, are, ars, art, ary, ase, asp, ast, ate, atp, att, aye, ayr, ays, ear, eas, eat, eir, eos, epa, epi, era, ers, ert, esp, esr, est, eta, ety, eyr, iao, ios, ipo, ipr, ips, ira, ire, irs, ise, iso, ist, ita, its, iyo, oar, oas, oat, oer, oes, oie, ois, opa, ope, ops, opt, ora, ore, ors, ort, ory, ose, osi, oye, oys, par, pas, pat, pay, pea, per, pes, pet, pia, pie, pir, pis, pit, poa, poi, por, pos, pot, poy, pre, pro, prs, pry, psi, pst, pta, pte, pts, ptt, pty, pya, pye, pyr, rai, rap, ras, rat, ray, rea, rei, rep, res, ria, rie, rio, rip, rit, roe, roi, ros, rot, rps, rpt, rte, rti, rya, rye, sai, sao, sap, sar, sat, say, sea, sei, sep, ser, set, sey, sie, sip, sir, sit, sop, sot, soy, spa, spt, spy, sri, sta, str, sty, sye, syr, tai, tao, tap, tar, tas, tat, tay, tea, ter, tes, tet, tie, tip, tis, tit, toa, toe, toi, top, tor, tos, tot, toy, tpi, tps, tra, tri, trp, trs, trt, try, tsi, tsp, tst, tty, tye, typ, tyr, tyt, yap, yar, yas, yat, yea, yeo, yep, yer, yes, yet, yip, yis, yoe, yoi, yor, yos, yot, yrs

Definitions for Aristotype

[1] a process of photographic printing in which paper coated with silver chloride in gelatin is used.
[2] a print made by this process.

Words nearby Aristotype

aristotelian method, aristotelianism, aristotle, aristotle contemplating the bust of homer, aristotle's lantern, aristotype, arith., arithmancy, arithmetic, arithmetic mean, arithmetic progression

Origin of Aristotype

aristo- + -type