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Showing words for ARRAY using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Array
4 Letter Words for Array
3 Letter Words for Array
Definitions for Array
[1] to place in proper or desired order; marshal: Napoleon arrayed his troops for battle.
[2] to clothe with garments, especially of an ornamental kind; dress up; deck out: She arrayed herself in furs and diamonds.
[3] order or arrangement, as of troops drawn up for battle.
[4] military force, especially a body of troops.
[5] a large and impressive grouping or organization of things: He couldn't dismiss the array of facts.
[6] regular order or arrangement; series: an array of figures.
[7] a large group, number, or quantity of people or things: an impressive array of scholars; an imposing array of books.
[8] attire; dress: in fine array.
[9] an arrangement of interrelated objects or items of equipment for accomplishing a particular task: thousands of solar cells in one vast array.
[10] Mathematics , Statistics . an arrangement of a series of terms according to value, as from largest to smallest. an arrangement of a series of terms in some geometric pattern, as in a matrix.
[11] Computers . a block of related data elements, each of which is usually identified by one or more subscripts.
[12] Radio . antenna array.
[13] an impressive display or collection
[14] an orderly or regular arrangement, esp of troops in battle order
[15] poetic rich clothing; apparel
[16] maths a sequence of numbers or symbols in a specified order
[17] maths a set of numbers or symbols arranged in rows and columns, as in a determinant or matrix
[18] electronics an arrangement of aerials spaced to give desired directional characteristics, used esp in radar
[19] law a panel of jurors
[20] the arming of military forces
[21] computing a regular data structure in which individual elements may be located by reference to one or more integer index variables, the number of such indices being the number of dimensions in the array
[22] to dress in rich attire; adorn
[23] to arrange in order (esp troops for battle); marshal
[24] law to draw up (a panel of jurors)
Words related to Array
supply, pattern, batch, bundle, cluster, host, design, lot, lineup, display, multitude, bunch, body, throng, set, parade, show, arrangement, formation, exhibition
Words nearby Array
arrangement, arrangements, arrant, arras, arrau, array, arrayal, arrearage, arrears, arrector, arrenotoky
Origin of Array
1250–1300; Middle English arrayen < Anglo-French arayer, Old French are (y)er < Germanic; compare Old English ārǣdan to prepare, equivalent to ā- a-3 + ræde ready
Other words from Array
ar·ray·er , noun
un·ar·rayed , adjective
well-ar·rayed , adjective
Word origin for Array
C13: from Old French aroi arrangement, from arayer to arrange, of Germanic origin; compare Old English arǣdan to make ready
Synonyms for Array
batch, bunch, bundle, cluster, design, display, host, lineup, lot, multitude, pattern, supply, arrangement, body, clump, disposition, exhibition, formation, order, parade, set, show, throng