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Showing words for ARRESTED using the English dictionary
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Definitions for Arrested
[1] to seize (a person) by legal authority or warrant; take into custody: The police arrested the burglar.
[2] to catch and hold; attract and fix; engage: The loud noise arrested our attention.
[3] to check the course of; stop; slow down: to arrest progress.
[4] Medicine/Medical . to control or stop the active progress of (a disease): The new drug did not arrest the cancer.
[5] the taking of a person into legal custody, as by officers of the law.
[6] any seizure or taking by force.
[7] an act of stopping or the state of being stopped: the arrest of tooth decay.
[8] Machinery . any device for stopping machinery; stop.
[9] under arrest , in custody of the police or other legal authorities: They placed the suspect under arrest at the scene of the crime.
[10] to deprive (a person) of liberty by taking him into custody, esp under lawful authority
[11] to seize (a ship) under lawful authority
[12] to slow or stop the development or progress of (a disease, growth, etc)
[13] to catch and hold (one's attention, sight, etc)
[14] arrest judgment law to stay proceedings after a verdict, on the grounds of error or possible error
[15] can't get arrested informal (of a performer) is unrecognized and unsuccessful he can't get arrested here but is a megastar in the States
[16] the act of taking a person into custody, esp under lawful authority
[17] the act of seizing and holding a ship under lawful authority
[18] the state of being held, esp under lawful authority under arrest
[19] Also called: arrestation (ˌærɛsˈteɪʃən ) the slowing or stopping of the development or progress of something
[20] the stopping or sudden cessation of motion of something a cardiac arrest
Words related to Arrested
Words nearby Arrested
arrestarrayal, arrearage, arrears, arrector, arrenotoky, arrest, arrest of judgment, arrestable, arrestant, arrestee, arrester
Origin of Arrested
1275–1325; (v.) Middle English aresten < Anglo-French, Middle French arester, < Vulgar Latin *arrestāre to stop (see ar-, rest2); (noun) Middle English arest(e ) < Anglo-French, Old French, noun derivative of v.
Other words from Arrested
ar·rest·a·ble , adjective
ar·rest·ment , noun
post·ar·rest , adjective
pre·ar·rest , verb (used with object)
pre·ar·rest·ment , noun
re·ar·rest , verb (used with object), noun
un·ar·rest·a·ble , adjective
un·ar·rest·ed , adjective
Word origin for Arrested
C14: from Old French arester, from Vulgar Latin arrestāre (unattested), from Latin ad at, to + restāre to stand firm, stop