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Showing words for ARROGANT using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Arrogant
6 Letter Words for Arrogant
5 Letter Words for Arrogant
4 Letter Words for Arrogant
3 Letter Words for Arrogant
Definitions for Arrogant
[1] making claims or pretensions to superior importance or rights; overbearingly assuming; insolently proud: an arrogant public official.
[2] characterized by or proceeding from arrogance, or a sense of superiority, self-importance, or entitlement: arrogant claims.
[3] having or showing an exaggerated opinion of one's own importance, merit, ability, etc; conceited; overbearingly proud an arrogant teacher ; an arrogant assumption
Words related to Arrogant
haughty, presumptuous, imperious, pretentious, aloof, cocky, cavalier, smug, vain, pompous, bossy, assuming, audacious, autocratic, cheeky, conceited, contemptuous, cool, disdainful, domineering
Words nearby Arrogant
arrière-garde, arrière-pensée, arroba, arrogance, arrogance of power, arrogant, arrogate, arrondissement, arrow, arrow arum, arrowgrass
Origin of Arrogant
1350–1400; Middle English < Latin arrogant- (stem of arrogāns ) presuming, present participle of arrogāre. See arrogate, -ant
Other words from Arrogant
ar·ro·gant·ly , adverb
su·per·ar·ro·gant , adjective
su·per·ar·ro·gant·ly , adverb
un·ar·ro·gant , adjective
un·ar·ro·gant·ly , adverb
Word origin for Arrogant
C14: from Latin arrogāre to claim as one's own; see arrogate
Synonyms for Arrogant
aloof, bossy, cavalier, cocky, haughty, imperious, pompous, presumptuous, pretentious, smug, vain, assuming, audacious, autocratic, biggety, bragging, cheeky, cold-shoulder, conceited, contemptuous, cool, disdainful, domineering, egotistic, high and mighty, high-handed, insolent, know-it-all, lordly, on an ego trip, overbearing, peremptory, proud, puffed up, scornful, self-important, smarty, sniffy, snippy, snooty, snotty, stuck up, supercilious, superior, swaggering, uppity, wise guy