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Showing words for ARTHROPOD using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Arthropod
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6 Letter Words for Arthropod
5 Letter Words for Arthropod
4 Letter Words for Arthropod
3 Letter Words for Arthropod
Definitions for Arthropod
[1] any invertebrate of the phylum Arthropoda, having a segmented body, jointed limbs, and usually a chitinous shell that undergoes moltings, including the insects, spiders and other arachnids, crustaceans, and myriapods.
[2] Also ar·throp·o·dal [ahr-throp -uh -dl] /ɑrˈθrɒp ə dl/ , ar·throp·o·dan [ahr-throp -uh -dn] /ɑrˈθrɒp ə dn/ , ar·throp·o·dous [ahr-throp -uh -duh s] /ɑrˈθrɒp ə dəs/ . belonging or pertaining to the Arthropoda.
[3] any invertebrate of the phylum Arthropoda, having jointed limbs, a segmented body, and an exoskeleton made of chitin. The group includes the crustaceans, insects, arachnids, and centipedes
Words related to Arthropod
tick, vermin, pest, mite, bee, butterfly, gnat, dragonfly, moth, grasshopper, spider, cockroach, termite, ant, mosquito, beetle, flea, aphid, ladybug, fly
Words nearby Arthropod
arthrometer, arthrometry, arthropathy, arthrophyma, arthroplasty, arthropod, arthropoda, arthropodiasis, arthropods, arthropyosis, arthrosclerosis
Origin of Arthropod
1875–80; < New Latin Arthropoda; see arthro-, -pod
Word origin for Arthropod
C19 from NL, from Gk arthron joint + podus footed, from pous foot
Synonyms for Arthropod
ant, aphid, bee, beetle, butterfly, cockroach, dragonfly, flea, fruit fly, gnat, grasshopper, ladybug, mite, mosquito, moth, pest, spider, termite, tick, vermin, arachnid, bedbug, bumblebee, cootie, fly, hornet, louse, daddy longlegs, praying mantis, yellowjacket