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Showing words for ASCENDING using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Ascending


8 Letter Words for Ascending

dancings, encasing, scending, signance

7 Letter Words for Ascending

anciens, candies, canines, canings, ceasing, censing, dancing, deaning, discage, encinas, endings, incaged, incages, innages, nancies, sanding, scanned, scening, seaning, sending

6 Letter Words for Ascending

adenin, ancien, anding, ascend, asiden, cadges, cadies, candie, canids, canine, caning, canned, cannes, cannie, casein, casing, ceding, cnidae, daeing, daines, dances, dasein, decani, deigns, dennis, design, dinges, eaning, easing, encina, ending, eniacs, ensand, ensign, gained, genian, ginned, inanes, incage, incend, indane, ingans, innage, insane, nances, neanic, nicads, sained, sangei, saning, sannie, sciage, sdaine, sdeign, sienna, signed, singan, singed, sinned

5 Letter Words for Ascending

acids, acies, acing, acned, acnes, adige, aegis, agend, aides, andes, anend, anise, annie, asdic, aside, cades, cadge, cadie, cadis, caged, cages, caids, cains, caned, canes, cangs, canid, canis, canns, cased, cedis, cides, cines, cnida, daces, daine, dance, danes, dangs, danic, deans, decan, degas, deign, diane, dices, digne, dines, dinge, dings, disna, ecads, egads, encia, endia, engin, eniac, ennia, gades, gadis, gaids, gaine, gains, geans, geisa, genas, genic, genin, gnide, ideas, igads, inane, incan, incas, indan, ingan, inned, insea, isnad, nance, nandi, nanes, necia, nicad, nides, nidge, nines, nisan, nsaid, sadic, saice, saine, saned, scand, scena, scend, scian, scind, sdein, sedan, segni, sengi, senna, siena, signa, since, sined, singe, snead, snide

4 Letter Words for Ascending

aced, aces, acid, acne, aden, aged, agen, ages, agin, agni, aide, aids, aine, ains, ance, ands, anes, anis, anne, anni, anns, ansi, asci, asgd, asin, cade, cadi, cads, cage, caid, cain, cand, cane, cang, cann, cans, case, ceas, cedi, cens, cide, cids, cigs, cine, dace, daes, dags, dain, dais, dane, dang, dans, dase, dasi, dean, deas, deia, deis, deni, dens, desc, desi, diag, dian, dias, dice, dies, digs, dine, ding, dins, disa, disc, eadi, eans, ecad, egad, ends, engs, esca, gade, gadi, gads, gaen, gaes, gaid, gain, gane, gean, geds, geic, gein, gena, gens, gids, gied, gien, gies, ginn, gins, gise, iced, ices, idea, ides, igad, inca, inde, indn, inga, inne, inns, isdn, ised, nace, nagi, nags, naid, naig, nain, nais, nane, nasi, neds, negs, nein, ngai, nice, nide, nids, nied, nies, nina, nine, nsec, sade, sadi, sage, saic, said, sain, sand, sane, sang, scad, scan, sean, sena, send, sian, sice, sida, side, sien, sign, sina, sind, sine, sing, snag, sned, snig

3 Letter Words for Ascending

ace, adc, ade, ads, aes, age, ags, aid, ain, ais, anc, and, ane, ann, ans, ase, asg, cad, cag, cai, can, cdg, cen, cgs, cia, cid, cie, cig, cis, cns, csi, dae, dag, dan, das, dca, dea, dec, deg, dei, den, des, dia, die, dig, din, dis, dna, ead, ean, eas, ecg, eds, enc, end, eng, ens, esc, esd, gad, gan, gas, gcd, gds, ged, gen, gid, gie, gin, gis, gns, ice, ida, ide, ids, ign, inc, ind, ing, inn, ins, ise, isn, nad, nae, nag, nas, nea, ned, neg, nei, nid, nie, nig, nis, nne, sac, sad, sag, sai, san, scd, sci, sea, sec, sed, seg, sei, sen, sgd, sic, sie, sig, sin

Definitions for Ascending

[1] moving upward; rising.
[2] Botany . growing or directed upward, especially obliquely or in a curve from the base.
[3] to move, climb, or go upward; mount; rise: The airplane ascended into the clouds.
[4] to slant upward.
[5] to rise to a higher point, rank, or degree; proceed from an inferior to a superior degree or level: to ascend to the presidency.
[6] to go toward the source or beginning; go back in time.
[7] Music . to rise in pitch; pass from any tone to a higher one.
[8] to go or move upward upon or along; climb; mount: to ascend a lookout tower; to ascend stairs.
[9] to gain or succeed to; acquire: to ascend the throne.
[10] moving upwards; rising
[11] botany sloping or curving upwards the ascending stem of a vine
[12] to go or move up (a ladder, hill, slope, etc); mount; climb
[13] (intr) to slope or incline upwards
[14] (intr) to rise to a higher point, level, degree, etc
[15] to follow (a river) upstream towards its source
[16] to trace (a genealogy, etc) back in time
[17] to sing or play (a scale, arpeggio, etc) from the lower to higher notes
[18] ascend the throne to become king or queen

Words related to Ascending

escalate, climb, soar, fly, rise, sprout, mount, float, scale, arise, tower

Words nearby Ascending

ascend, ascendancy, ascendant, ascender, ascendeur, ascending, ascending artery, ascending colon, ascending degeneration, ascending lumbar vein, ascending node

Origin of Ascending

1350–1400; Middle English ascenden < Anglo-French ascendre < Latin ascendere to climb up, equivalent to a- a-5 + -scendere, combining form of scandere to climb. See scan

Other words from Ascending

as·cend·ing·ly , adverb
sub·as·cend·ing , adjective
as·cend·a·ble , as·cend·i·ble , adjective
re·as·cend , verb
un·as·cend·a·ble , adjective
un·as·cend·ed , adjective

Word origin for Ascending

C14: from Latin ascendere, from scandere

Synonyms for Ascending

climb, escalate, lift off, move up, soar, take off, arise, float, fly, mount, rise, scale, sprout, tower