9 Letter Words for Ascertain
ascertain, cartesian, cartisane, craniates, sectarian
8 Letter Words for Ascertain
acarines, anaretic, anestric, arcanist, arcanite, aretaics, artesian, asternia, canaries, canaster, canister, carinate, carniest, caterans, ceratins, cestrian, cisterna, craniate, encastra, erastian, estancia, irascent, nacrites, ratanies, resinata, santeria, scantier, seatrain, tacrines, tescaria
7 Letter Words for Ascertain
acarine, acaters, acetars, acetins, acraein, acrasin, acritan, anestra, anestri, anisate, antares, antiars, anticar, antsier, arcsine, arctans, arctian, arecain, arnicas, arsenic, artisan, asarite, ascitan, asteria, asterin, astrain, astrean, aterian, atresia, atresic, caniest, cantare, cantars, canters, cantier, carates, carinae, carinas, caritas, carites, carnate, carnets, carnies, casinet, castane, catenas, cateran, centiar, cerasin, ceratin, certain, cineast, cistern, citrean, cretins, crinate, cristae, ectasia, entasia, eranist, increst, insecta, intarsa, nacrite, narcist, nastier, nectars, raciest, rasceta, ratines, recants, resiant, restain, retains, retinas, retsina, sacrate, sanctae, santera, saracen, sarcina, sarcine, sartain, satanic, scanter, sciaena, setaria, sinatra, stainer, starnie, stearic, stearin, tacrine, tanrecs, trances
6 Letter Words for Ascertain
acater, acates, acerin, acetin, acinar, acrita, acrite, actias, actine, actins, airest, anears, anetic, ansate, antars, anteri, antiae, antiar, antica, antics, antres, araise, arcane, arcate, arcsin, arctan, arecas, arenas, arisen, arista, ariste, arnica, arsine, artics, arties, asarin, ascare, ascent, ascian, ascite, astare, astern, cairns, canari, caners, canier, cantar, canter, carane, carate, carats, carest, carets, carien, caries, carina, carnet, cartas, cartes, casate, casein, casern, casina, casita, casten, caster, castra, catena, caters, cearin, centai, centas, centra, cerata, cerias, certis, cinter, cistae, citers, cranes, cranet, crants, crates, creant, crenas, cretan, cretin, criant, crines, crinet, crista, enacts, enatic, encist, eniacs, enstar, entria, ericas, estrin, incast, incest, inerts, insect, insert, instar, inters, istana, nacres, nairas, narica, nastic, natica, nectar, nerita, nicest, niters, racine, racist, raines, raitas, rances, rasant, ratans, ratina, ratine, reacts, reatas, recant, recast, recits, resaca, rescan, resina, retain, retina, riatas, saance, sacate, sainte, sancai, santar, santir, sarnie, satine, satire, sciara, scient, scrine, scrite, searat, secant, seitan, sinter, stance, stenar, stenia, steric, sterin, strain, striae, strine, tacans, tairas, tanica, tanier, tanrec, tarsia, tenias, terais, tercia, tiaras, tineas, tirana, tisane, traces, trains, trance, transe, triace, triacs, tricae, trices, triens, trines
5 Letter Words for Ascertain
acari, acast, acate, acers, aceta, acier, acies, acnes, acres, acris, actin, aecia, aeric, aesir, ainas, airan, airns, airts, ancra, ancre, anear, anise, ansae, ansar, anser, antae, antar, antas, antes, antic, antis, antra, antre, arace, arain, arase, arati, arcae, arces, areas, areca, arena, arent, arest, arets, arian, arias, aries, arise, arist, arite, arnas, artic, ascan, asian, aster, astir, astre, atars, atren, atria, cains, cairn, caner, canes, canis, canst, cants, carat, cares, caret, carne, carns, carse, carta, carte, carts, caser, caste, catan, cater, cates, ceint, centi, cents, ceras, cerat, ceria, cerin, certs, cesar, cesta, cesti, cetin, cines, cires, cista, citer, cites, craie, crain, crane, crans, crate, crena, crest, creta, cries, crine, crise, crits, csnet, earns, earst, ecart, enact, encia, eniac, entia, entsi, erica, erics, escar, etnas, icers, inact, incas, incra, inert, insea, inset, instr, inter, intra, irate, irena, isaac, iters, nacre, naias, naira, naras, narcs, nares, naric, naris, nasat, nates, nears, neats, necia, neist, nerts, niata, nicer, niter, races, raias, raine, rains, raise, raita, raits, ranas, rance, rants, rasen, rasta, ratan, ratas, rates, react, reais, reans, reast, reata, recit, recti, reina, reins, reist, rents, resat, resin, resit, retan, retia, retin, riant, riata, rices, rines, rinse, risen, rites, sacra, sacre, saice, saine, saint, sanai, sanct, saner, sanit, santa, saran, sarin, sarna, satai, satan, satin, scant, scare, scarn, scart, sceat, scena, scent, scian, scrae, scran, scrat, scrin, scrit, senit, senti, serac, serai, seric, serin, serta, sicer, siena, sient, since, siren, sitar, snare, snirt, snite, staia, stain, stair, stane, stare, starn, stean, stear, stein, steri, stern, stine, stire, strae, stria, tacan, taces, tains, taira, tairn, taise, tanas, tania, taras, tarea, tares, tarie, tarin, tarns, tarse, tarsi, tasar, taser, tears, tenai, tenia, terai, teras, terna, terns, tiara, tiars, ticer, tices, tiens, tiers, tinca, tinea, tines, tires, tisar, trace, train, trans, treas, triac, trias, trica, trice, tries, trina, trine, trins, tsine
4 Letter Words for Ascertain
acer, aces, acne, acre, acta, acts, aias, aina, aine, ains, aint, aire, airn, airs, airt, aits, anas, anat, ance, anes, anet, anis, anre, ansa, ansi, anta, ante, anti, ants, arca, arcs, area, aren, ares, aret, aria, aris, arna, arni, arte, arts, asar, asci, asea, asia, asin, asta, astr, atar, ates, atis, cain, cair, cane, cans, cant, care, carn, cars, cart, casa, case, cast, cate, cats, ceas, cens, cent, cera, cern, cert, cest, ceti, cine, cira, cire, cist, cite, cits, cran, cres, crin, cris, crit, crts, eans, earn, ears, east, eats, eira, entr, eras, erat, eria, eric, erin, eris, erns, erst, esca, etas, etic, etna, iaea, iare, icer, ices, inca, incr, inst, inta, intr, iran, ires, isnt, itas, iter, nace, nais, narc, nare, nasa, nasi, nast, natr, nats, near, neat, nest, neti, nets, nice, nies, nist, nits, nsec, raca, race, raia, rain, rais, rait, rana, rane, rant, rasa, rast, rata, rate, rats, rean, recs, rect, rein, reit, rent, rest, rets, rias, rice, ries, rine, rins, risc, rise, rist, rita, rite, rits, saic, sain, sair, sana, sane, sant, sare, sari, sart, sata, sate, sati, scan, scar, scat, scet, sean, sear, seat, sect, seir, seit, sena, sent, sert, seta, sian, sice, sien, sier, sina, sine, sire, sita, site, snar, snit, srac, star, sten, ster, stie, stir, stra, stre, taar, tace, taen, tain, tais, tana, tane, tans, tara, tare, tari, tarn, tars, tean, tear, teas, teca, tens, tera, tern, tiar, tice, tics, tien, tier, ties, tinc, tine, tins, tire, trac, tres, trie, trin, trna, tsia
3 Letter Words for Ascertain
aas, ace, act, aer, aes, aia, ain, air, ais, ait, ana, anc, ane, ans, ant, ara, arc, are, arn, ars, art, ase, ast, ate, cai, can, car, cat, cen, cer, cia, cie, cir, cis, cit, cns, crs, crt, csi, cst, cte, ctn, ctr, cts, ean, ear, eas, eat, ect, eir, enc, ens, era, ern, ers, ert, esc, esr, est, eta, etc, iaa, ice, inc, ins, int, ira, ire, irs, ise, isn, ist, ita, its, naa, nae, nar, nas, nat, nea, nei, net, nie, nis, nit, rai, ran, ras, rat, rct, rea, rec, rei, res, ria, rie, rin, rit, rna, rte, rti, saa, sac, sai, san, sar, sat, sci, scr, sct, sea, sec, sei, sen, ser, set, sic, sie, sin, sir, sit, sri, sta, str, taa, tai, tan, tar, tas, tea, tec, ten, ter, tes, tic, tie, tin, tis, tra, tri, trs, tsi
Definitions for Ascertain
[1] to find out definitely; learn with certainty or assurance; determine: to ascertain the facts.
[2] Archaic . to make certain, clear, or definitely known.
[3] to determine or discover definitely
[4] archaic to make certain
Words related to Ascertain
confirm, verify, determine, divine, double-check, dig, eye, read, fix, discover, tell, see, settle, identify, learn, peg, establish, check, size, eyeball
Words nearby Ascertain
ascension day, ascensionist, ascensiontide, ascensive, ascent, ascertain, ascesis, ascetic, asceticism, asch, aschaffenburg
Origin of Ascertain
1400–50; late Middle English, variant of assertain, acertain < Middle French acertain- (tonic stem of acertener to make certain), equivalent to a- a-5 + certain certain
Other words from Ascertain
as·cer·tain·a·ble , adjective
as·cer·tain·a·bly , adverb
as·cer·tain·er , noun
as·cer·tain·ment , noun
non·as·cer·tain·a·ble , adjective
non·as·cer·tain·a·ble·ness , noun
non·as·cer·tain·a·bly , adverb
non·as·cer·tain·ment , noun
pre·as·cer·tain , verb (used with object)
pre·as·cer·tain·ment , noun
un·as·cer·tain·a·ble , adjective
un·as·cer·tain·a·bly , adverb
un·as·cer·tained , adjective
well-as·cer·tained , adjective
Word origin for Ascertain
C15: from Old French acertener to make certain
Synonyms for Ascertain
confirm, determine, divine, double-check, find out, verify, check, dig, discover, establish, eye, eyeball, fix, identify, learn, peg, read, see, settle, size, tell, catch on, check out, check up on, get down cold, get down pat, get hold of, get it down, get the hang of, learn the ropes, look-see, make certain, make sure, pick up, pick up on, size up