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Showing words for ASPEN using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Aspen
4 Letter Words for Aspen
3 Letter Words for Aspen
Definitions for Aspen
[1] any of various poplars, as Populus tremula, of Europe, and P. tremuloides (quaking aspen) or P. alba (white aspen) , of America, having soft wood and alternate ovate leaves that tremble in the slightest breeze.
[2] of or relating to the aspen.
[3] trembling or quivering, like the leaves of the aspen.
[4] a town in central Colorado: ski resort.
[5] any of several trees of the salicaceous genus Populus, such as P. tremula of Europe, in which the leaves are attached to the stem by long flattened stalks so that they quiver in the wind Archaic name: asp
[6] archaic , mainly literary trembling
Words related to Aspen
cowardly, excited, fearful, jittery, nervous, quivering, shaking, timid, timorous, wavering, aquiver, palpitating, quavering, trembling
Words nearby Aspen
aspasia, aspect, aspect ratio, aspectant, aspectual, aspen, aspen hill, asper, asperate, asperger syndrome, asperger's syndrome
Origin of Aspen
1350–1400; Middle English aspen (adj.), Old English æspen; cognate with Old Frisian espen (adj.), espenbeam, Middle Dutch espenboom, Old High German espîn (adj.). See asp2, -en2
Word origin for Aspen
Old English æspe; see asp ²
Synonyms for Aspen
aquiver, cowardly, excited, fearful, jittery, nervous, palpitating, quavering, quivering, shaking, timid, timorous, trembling, wavering