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Showing words for ATONEABLE using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Atoneable


8 Letter Words for Atoneable


7 Letter Words for Atoneable

abalone, abolete, balneae, balonea, beltane, bonelet, eatable, eelboat, enolate, notable, notaeal, talabon, tenable

6 Letter Words for Atoneable

abanet, abaton, ablate, anteal, atonal, balant, balate, baleen, balete, balnea, banate, batlan, batlon, beatae, beaten, beento, belate, belton, benote, betone, boatel, bolete, bonete, bontee, elanet, enable, etalon, lanate, lanete, lateen, latona, lobata, lobate, natale, oblata, oblate, oleana, oleate, taleae, teanal, tolane

5 Letter Words for Atoneable

abate, abele, ablet, abnet, abote, alane, alant, alate, alban, albee, alone, anabo, anele, anlet, anole, antae, antal, atelo, atlee, atole, atone, balao, balat, balon, banal, banat, batea, batel, baton, beala, beano, beant, beata, beent, belat, benet, bento, betel, beton, blate, bleat, bloat, blote, botan, botel, eaten, elate, enate, ental, entea, laten, laton, leban, leben, lento, leone, lotan, nabal, nabla, nable, natal, nebel, neela, nobel, noble, notal, oaten, oblat, oelet, olena, olent, ontal, tabel, tabla, table, talao, talea, talon, tanoa, tenla, tolan, tonal

4 Letter Words for Atoneable

abel, abet, able, alae, alan, alba, albe, alee, alen, aloe, alto, anal, anat, anba, anet, anoa, anta, ante, aona, atle, baal, bale, bane, bant, bata, bate, beal, bean, beat, been, beet, bela, belt, bena, bene, beno, bent, beta, bete, blae, blan, blat, blea, blee, bleo, blet, blot, boat, bola, bole, bolt, bona, bone, bota, bote, eale, eboe, ebon, elan, elbe, elne, enol, ento, eoan, eole, eten, etna, eton, laen, laet, lana, lane, lant, lata, late, lean, leat, leet, lena, lene, leno, lent, leon, lete, leto, loan, lobe, lone, lota, lote, nabe, nael, nala, nale, natl, nato, neal, neat, nebe, nebo, neet, nete, noel, nole, nolt, nota, note, oban, olea, taal, tael, taen, tala, tale, tana, tane, teal, tean, teel, teen, tela, tele, tene, tobe, toea, tola, tole, tone

3 Letter Words for Atoneable

aal, aba, abl, abn, abo, abt, ala, alb, ale, aln, alo, alt, ana, ane, ant, aob, ate, baa, bae, bal, ban, bat, bee, bel, ben, bet, blo, blt, boa, boe, bol, bon, bot, btl, ean, eat, ebn, eel, een, ela, elb, elt, ene, enl, eon, eta, laa, lab, lan, lao, lat, lea, lee, leo, let, loa, lob, loe, lot, naa, nab, nae, nat, nbe, nea, neb, nee, neo, net, noa, nob, nol, not, oat, oba, obe, obl, ola, ole, ona, one, ont, taa, tab, tal, tan, tao, tea, tee, tel, ten, tln, tlo, toa, tob, toe, tol, ton

Definitions for Atoneable

[1] to make amends or reparation, as for an offense or a crime, or for an offender (usually followed by for ): to atone for one's sins.
[2] to make up, as for errors or deficiencies (usually followed by for ): to atone for one's failings.
[3] Obsolete . to become reconciled; agree.
[4] to make amends for; expiate: He atoned his sins.
[5] Obsolete . to bring into unity, harmony, concord, etc.
[6] (intr foll by for ) to make amends or reparation (for a crime, sin, etc)
[7] (tr) to expiate to atone a guilt with repentance
[8] obsolete to be in or bring into agreement

Words related to Atoneable

atoneredeem, apologize, outweigh, repair, square, appease, reconcile, pay, absolve, propitiate, redress, expiate, counterbalance, offset, answer, balance, correct, recompense

Words nearby Atoneable

atoneatomy, aton, atonal, atonalism, atonality, atone, atonement, atonic, atonic bladder, atonicity, atony

Origin of Atoneable

First recorded in 1545–55; back formation from atonement

Other words from Atoneable

a·ton·a·ble , a·tone·a·ble , adjective
a·ton·er , noun
a·ton·ing·ly , adverb
un·a·toned , adjective
un·a·ton·ing , adjective

Word origin for Atoneable

C16: back formation from atonement

Synonyms for Atoneable

expiative, propitiatory, atonable, conciliative, conciliatory, expiable, lustral, lustrative, propitiative, purgatorial, purificatory, purifying