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Showing words for ATTACKING using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Attacking


7 Letter Words for Attacking

agitant, agnatic, antickt, cantiga, catting, katcina, tacking, tintack

6 Letter Words for Attacking

acting, antica, antick, atinga, attack, attain, attica, caking, cangia, cating, catkin, cattan, gitana, intact, kainga, kanagi, kitcat, natica, taking, tangka, tanica, tankia

5 Letter Words for Attacking

acing, actin, again, agita, agnat, aking, anack, angia, antic, ating, attic, cagit, catan, gaitt, ganta, giant, inact, kaing, kanat, kanga, katat, katti, kiaat, kiang, niata, nitta, tacan, tacit, taiga, taint, takin, tanak, tanga, tangi, tania, tanka, tanti, tatin, tiang, tinca, tinct, tinta, titan

4 Letter Words for Attacking

acta, actg, agin, agit, agni, aina, aint, akan, akia, akin, anat, anga, anta, anti, atta, attn, cain, cang, cank, cant, gaia, gain, gait, gant, gata, gatt, gink, gnat, ikan, ikat, inca, inga, inta, kain, kana, kang, kant, kata, kati, kina, king, knag, knit, naga, nagi, naig, naik, ngai, nick, tack, tact, taig, tain, tait, taka, taki, takt, tana, tang, tank, tick, tika, tinc, ting, tink, tint

3 Letter Words for Attacking

ack, act, aga, agt, aia, aik, ain, ait, aka, ana, anc, ant, att, cag, cai, can, cat, cia, cig, cit, ctg, ctn, gan, gat, gin, git, gtc, gtt, iaa, ick, ign, inc, ing, ink, int, ita, kai, kan, kat, kin, kit, naa, nag, nak, nat, nig, nit, taa, tag, tai, tak, tan, tat, tck, tgn, tgt, tic, tig, tin, tit, tkt, tng, tnt

Definitions for Attacking

[1] to set upon in a forceful, violent, hostile, or aggressive way, with or without a weapon; begin fighting with: He attacked him with his bare hands.
[2] to begin hostilities against; start an offensive against: to attack the enemy.
[3] to blame or abuse violently or bitterly.
[4] to direct unfavorable criticism against; criticize severely; argue with strongly: He attacked his opponent's statement.
[5] to try to destroy, especially with verbal abuse: to attack the mayor's reputation.
[6] to set about (a task) or go to work on (a thing) vigorously: to attack housecleaning; to attack the hamburger hungrily.
[7] (of disease, destructive agencies, etc.) to begin to affect.
[8] to make an attack; begin hostilities.
[9] the act of attacking; onslaught; assault.
[10] a military offensive against an enemy or enemy position.
[11] Pathology . seizure by disease or illness: an attack of indigestion.
[12] the beginning or initiating of any action; onset.
[13] an aggressive move in a performance or contest.
[14] the approach or manner of approach in beginning a musical phrase.
[15] to launch a physical assault (against) with or without weapons; begin hostilities (with)
[16] (intr) to take the initiative in a game, sport, etc after a few minutes, the team began to attack
[17] (tr) to direct hostile words or writings at; criticize or abuse vehemently
[18] (tr) to turn one's mind or energies vigorously to (a job, problem, etc)
[19] (tr) to begin to injure or affect adversely; corrode, corrupt, or infect rust attacked the metal
[20] (tr) to attempt to rape
[21] the act or an instance of attacking
[22] strong criticism or abuse an unjustified attack on someone's reputation
[23] an offensive move in a game, sport, etc
[24] commencement of a task, etc
[25] any sudden and usually severe manifestation of a disease or disorder a heart attack ; an attack of indigestion
[26] the attack ball games the players in a team whose main role is to attack the opponents' goal or territory
[27] music decisiveness in beginning a passage, movement, or piece
[28] music the speed with which a note reaches its maximum volume
[29] an attempted rape

Words related to Attacking

attackhit, harm, charge, raid, besiege, beat, assault, hurt, bombard, ambush, stab, storm, strike, assail, blast, invade, infiltrate, blame, criticize, abuse

Words nearby Attacking

attackattachment of earnings, attachment parenting, attachment theory, attaché, attaché case, attack, attack ad, attack dog, attack rate, attagirl, attain

Origin of Attacking

1590–1600; earlier atta(c)que < Middle French atta(c)quer < Italian attaccare to attack, attach

Other words from Attacking

at·tack·a·ble , adjective
at·tack·er , noun
non·at·tack·ing , adjective
post·at·tack , adjective
pro·at·tack , adjective
re·at·tack , verb
un·at·tack·a·ble , adjective
un·at·tacked , adjective
at•tack′ v.

Word origin for Attacking

C16: from French attaquer, from Old Italian attaccare to attack, attach, from estaccare to attach, from stacca stake 1 ; compare attach

Synonyms for Attacking

ambush, assail, assault, beat, besiege, blast, bombard, charge, harm, hit, hurt, infiltrate, invade, raid, stab, storm, strike, advance, aggress, bash, bat, bean, beset, biff, blister, boot, bop, brain, bust, clip, clock, club, combat, cook, jump, kick, larrup, molest, mug, overwhelm, punch, rush, slog, soak, wallop, whop, boff, chop down, knock block off, knock cold, knock for a loop, lay siege to, light into, pounce upon, set upon, take the offensive, turn on