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Showing words for AUDEN using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Auden
4 Letter Words for Auden
aden, aune, dane, danu, daun, dean, duan, dune, euda, nuda, nude, unda, unde
3 Letter Words for Auden
ade, and, ane, anu, aud, dae, dan, dau, dea, den, dna, due, dun, ead, ean, eau, end, nad, nae, nea, ned, una
Definitions for Auden
[1] W(ys·tan) H(ugh) [wis -tuh n] /ˈwɪs tən/ , 1907–73, English poet in the U.S.
[2] W (ystan ) H (ugh ). 1907–73, US poet, dramatist, critic, and librettist, born in Britain; noted for his lyric and satirical poems and for plays written in collaboration with Christopher Isherwood