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Showing words for AUDIBLY using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Audibly


6 Letter Words for Audibly


5 Letter Words for Audibly

badly, baldy, bauld, bialy, blady, blaud, bludy, bluid, build, daily, dauby, duali, dulia, libya, luyia, yauld

4 Letter Words for Audibly

abid, ably, bail, bald, bali, balu, baud, baul, bida, blad, blay, bual, buda, buyi, dail, dali, daub, dial, dual, duly, idly, lady, laid, laud, luba, udal, uily, yabu, yalb, yald, yali, yalu, yaud

3 Letter Words for Audibly

abd, abl, abu, aby, ady, aid, ail, alb, ald, aly, aud, aul, ayu, bad, bai, bal, bay, bdl, bid, bld, bud, bul, buy, dab, dal, dau, day, dbl, dia, dib, dil, dub, dui, iba, ida, iud, lab, lad, lai, lay, lib, lid, lub, lud, ubi, ula, yad, yid

Definitions for Audibly

[1] capable of being heard; loud enough to be heard; actually heard.
[2] Also called automatic, checkoff. Football . a play called at the line of scrimmage to supersede the play originally agreed upon as the result of a change in strategy.
[3] perceptible to the hearing; loud enough to be heard
[4] American football a change of playing tactics called by the quarterback when the offense is lined up at the line of scrimmage

Words related to Audibly

audiblecertainly, plainly, undoubtedly, obviously, openly, definitely, surely, distinctly, precisely, apparently, evidently, positively, seemingly, loudly, acutely, decidedly, indubitably, markedly, purely, sharply

Words nearby Audibly

audibleaude, auden, auden, w. h., audhumla, audial, audible, audie, audience, audience room, audience share, audile

Origin of Audibly

e1520–30; < Late Latin audībilis, equivalent to Latin audī(re ) to hear + -bilis -ble

Other words from Audibly

au·di·bil·i·ty , au·di·ble·ness , noun
au·di·bly , adverb
non·au·di·bil·i·ty , noun
non·au·di·ble , adjective
non·au·di·ble·ness , noun
non·au·di·bly , adverb
qua·si-au·di·ble , adjective
qua·si-au·di·bly , adverb
sub·au·di·bil·i·ty , noun
sub·au·di·ble , adjective
sub·au·di·ble·ness , noun
sub·au·di·bly , adverb

Word origin for Audibly

eC16: from Late Latin audibilis, from Latin audīre to hear

Synonyms for Audibly

apparently, certainly, definitely, distinctly, evidently, obviously, openly, plainly, positively, precisely, seemingly, surely, undoubtedly, acutely, beyond doubt, conspicuously, decidedly, discernibly, incontestably, incontrovertibly, indubitably, lucidly, manifestly, markedly, noticeably, overtly, patently, penetratingly, perceptibly, prominently, purely, recognizably, sharply, sonorously, translucently, transparently, undeniably, unmistakably