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Showing words for AUSTERE using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Austere
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3 Letter Words for Austere
Definitions for Austere
[1] severe in manner or appearance; uncompromising; strict; forbidding: an austere teacher.
[2] rigorously self-disciplined and severely moral; ascetic; abstinent: the austere quality of life in the convent.
[3] grave; sober; solemn; serious: an austere manner.
[4] without excess, luxury, or ease; simple; limited; severe: an austere life.
[5] severely simple; without ornament: austere writing.
[6] lacking softness; hard: an austere bed of straw.
[7] rough to the taste; sour or harsh in flavor.
[8] stern or severe in attitude or manner an austere schoolmaster
[9] grave, sober, or serious an austere expression
[10] self-disciplined, abstemious, or ascetic an austere life
[11] severely simple or plain an austere design
Words related to Austere
stringent, somber, forbidding, rigid, exacting, sober, formal, subdued, rustic, unadorned, stark, bleak, ascetic, astringent, cold, earnest, grave, grim, hard, harsh
Words nearby Austere
austenite, austenitic, austenitic stainless steel, austenitize, auster, austere, austerity, austerlitz, austin, austin flint murmur, austin friar
Origin of Austere
1300–50; Middle English (< Anglo-French ) < Latin austērus < Greek austērós harsh, rough, bitter
Other words from Austere
aus·tere·ly , adverb
aus·tere·ness , noun
un·aus·tere , adjective
un·aus·tere·ly , adverb
Word origin for Austere
C14: from Old French austère, from Latin austērus sour, from Greek austēros astringent; related to Greek hauein to dry
Synonyms for Austere
exacting, forbidding, formal, rigid, sober, somber, stringent, ascetic, astringent, cold, earnest, grave, grim, hard, harsh, inexorable, inflexible, obdurate, rigorous, serious, solemn, stern, stiff, strict, unfeeling, unrelenting