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Showing words for AUTHENTIC using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Authentic
8 Letter Words for Authentic
7 Letter Words for Authentic
6 Letter Words for Authentic
5 Letter Words for Authentic
4 Letter Words for Authentic
3 Letter Words for Authentic
Definitions for Authentic
[1] not false or copied; genuine; real: an authentic antique.
[2] having an origin supported by unquestionable evidence; authenticated; verified: an authentic document of the Middle Ages; an authentic work of the old master.
[3] representing one’s true nature or beliefs; true to oneself or to the person identified: a story told in the authentic voice of a Midwestern farmer; a senator’s speech that sounded authentic.
[4] entitled to acceptance or belief because of agreement with known facts or experience; reliable; trustworthy: an authentic report on poverty in Africa.
[5] Law . executed with all due formalities: an authentic deed.
[6] Music . (of a church mode) having a range extending from the final to the octave above. Compare plagal. (of a cadence) consisting of a dominant harmony followed by a tonic.
[7] Obsolete . authoritative.
[8] of undisputed origin or authorship; genuine an authentic signature
[9] accurate in representation of the facts; trustworthy; reliable an authentic account
[10] (of a deed or other document) duly executed, any necessary legal formalities having been complied with
[11] music using period instruments and historically researched scores and playing techniques in an attempt to perform a piece as it would have been played at the time it was written (in combination ) an authentic-instrument performance
[12] music (of a mode as used in Gregorian chant) commencing on the final and ending an octave higher (of a cadence) progressing from a dominant to a tonic chord Compare plagal
Words related to Authentic
credible, authoritative, accurate, convincing, trustworthy, legitimate, pure, reliable, original, true, actual, certain, creditable, dependable, factual, faithful, official, sure, trusty, valid
Words nearby Authentic
auteuil, auteur, auteur theory, auth., auth. ver., authentic, authentical, authenticate, authenticator, authenticity, authigenic
Origin of Authentic
1300–50; < Late Latin authenticus “coming from the author, genuine” (also in the neuter, a noun “original document, the original”) < Greek authentikós “original, primary, at first hand,” equivalent to authént(ēs) “one who does things himself” (aut- aut- +-hentēs “doer”) + -ikos -ic; replacing Middle English autentik (< Anglo-French ) < Medieval Latin autenticus
Other words from Authentic
au·then·ti·cal·ly , adverb
non·au·then·tic , adjective
qua·si-au·then·tic , adjective
qua·si-au·then·ti·cal·ly , adverb
un·au·then·tic , adjective
Word origin for Authentic
C14: from Late Latin authenticus coming from the author, from Greek authentikos, from authentēs one who acts independently, from auto- + hentēs a doer
Synonyms for Authentic
accurate, authoritative, convincing, credible, legitimate, original, pure, reliable, true, trustworthy, actual, bona fide, certain, creditable, dependable, factual, faithful, for real, legit, official, sure, trusty, twenty-four carat, valid, veritable