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Showing words for AUTHORS using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Authors


6 Letter Words for Authors

asouth, atrous, author, rouths, soutar, thraso

5 Letter Words for Authors

aotus, artou, artus, ashot, ashur, astor, atour, autor, autos, haros, harst, harts, haust, hoars, hoast, horas, horst, horus, hosta, hours, houts, hurst, hurts, oaths, outas, outra, raths, ratos, ratus, roast, rotas, roust, routh, routs, rusot, ruths, shoat, short, shout, shura, sorta, south, surah, surat, sutor, sutra, tahrs, taros, thars, thous, throu, torus, tours, trash, trush, uraos

4 Letter Words for Authors

arts, asor, astr, auth, auto, haro, hart, hast, hats, haut, hoar, hoas, hora, hors, hort, host, hots, hour, hout, hura, hurt, huso, hust, huts, oahu, oars, oast, oath, oats, oras, orth, orts, osar, osha, otus, ours, oust, outa, outr, outs, rahs, rahu, rash, rast, rath, rato, rats, ratu, rhos, rhus, rosa, rost, rota, rots, roua, rous, rout, rusa, rush, rust, ruta, ruth, ruts, sart, saur, saut, shor, shot, shou, shua, shut, soar, sora, sort, soth, sour, sout, star, stoa, stor, stra, sura, tahr, taos, taro, tars, tash, tasu, taur, taus, thar, thor, thos, thou, thro, thru, thus, tors, toru, tosa, tosh, tour, trah, tush, urao, ursa, urth, usar, utah, utas

3 Letter Words for Authors

aho, ahs, ahu, aor, ars, art, aru, ash, ast, auh, hao, has, hat, hau, hoa, hor, hos, hot, hrs, hts, hut, oar, oas, oat, ohs, ora, ors, ort, our, ous, out, rah, ras, rat, rha, rho, ros, rot, rut, sah, sao, sar, sat, sau, sha, sho, shr, sht, sot, sou, sta, str, sur, tao, tar, tas, tau, tha, tho, toa, tor, tos, tou, tra, trs, tsh, tua, tur, uhs, ura, urs, usa, ush, ust, uta, uts

Definitions for Authors

[1] a card game for two or more persons that is played with a 52-card pack, the object being to take the largest number of tricks consisting of four cards of the same denomination.
[2] a person who writes a novel, poem, essay, etc.; the composer of a literary work, as distinguished from a compiler, translator, editor, or copyist.
[3] the literary production or productions of a writer: to find a passage in an author.
[4] the maker of anything; creator; originator: the author of a new tax plan.
[5] Computers . the writer of a software program, especially a hypertext or multimedia application.
[6] to write; be the author of: He authored a history of the Civil War.
[7] to originate; create a design for: She authored a new system for teaching chemistry.
[8] a person who composes a book, article, or other written work Related adjective: auctorial
[9] a person who writes books as a profession; writer
[10] the writings of such a person reviewing a postwar author
[11] an originator or creator the author of this plan
[12] to write or originate

Words related to Authors

producer, creator, writer, columnist, journalist, composer, poet, reporter, biographer, ghost, originator, playwright, scribe, scribbler, wordsmith, essayist, scripter

Words nearby Authors

authorization, authorize, authorized, authorized capital, authorized version, authors, authorship, autism, autism spectrum disorder, autistic-spectrum disorder, auto

Origin of Authors

1250–1300; earlier auct(h)or < Latin auctor writer, progenitor, equivalent to aug(ēre ) to increase, augment + -tor -tor; replacing Middle English auto(u)r < Anglo-French, for Old French autor < Latin, as above

Other words from Authors

au·tho·ri·al [aw-thawr -ee-uh  l, aw-thohr -] /ɔˈθɔr i əl, ɔˈθoʊr-/ , adjective
au·thor·less , adjective
mul·ti·au·thored , adjective
pro·au·thor , adjective

Word origin for Authors

C14: from Old French autor, from Latin auctor author, from augēre to increase

Synonyms for Authors

biographer, columnist, composer, creator, journalist, poet, producer, reporter, writer, essayist, ghost, ghostwriter, originator, playwright, scribbler, scribe, wordsmith, ink slinger, prose writer, scripter, word slinger, work-for-hire