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Showing words for AUTOGRAPH using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Autograph


8 Letter Words for Autograph


7 Letter Words for Autograph

aguroth, guarapo, harpago, toughra

6 Letter Words for Autograph

agouta, arguta, atropa, author, gopura, haptor, outrap, prutah, ragout, ragtop, raught, rought, taraph, trough, tughra, tupara

5 Letter Words for Autograph

aargh, agora, agrah, agura, ahura, aorta, apart, aport, apout, argot, arhat, aroph, artha, artou, arupa, athar, atour, aught, autor, garau, garth, garua, gator, ghaut, gotha, gotra, graph, grata, groat, group, grout, guara, hagar, hupot, ought, outra, parah, parao, pargo, parto, patao, pharo, porta, praha, prahu, pruta, purga, ratha, raupo, rough, routh, tagua, tahar, tahua, tapoa, tarau, taupo, thorp, thrap, throu, topau, tough, trapa, tugra

4 Letter Words for Autograph

aarp, agar, agha, agua, apar, argh, argo, atap, atar, atop, atua, augh, aura, auth, auto, gapa, gapo, gara, gart, gata, gath, gaup, gaur, gaut, ghat, goar, goat, gora, gorp, goth, goup, gout, grat, grot, guao, guar, guhr, gurt, haar, hapu, haro, harp, hart, haut, hoar, hoga, hora, hort, hour, hout, hugo, hupa, hura, hurt, oahu, oath, ogpu, opah, orth, ough, ouph, outa, outr, paar, paga, paha, paho, para, part, pata, path, pato, patu, paua, paut, phar, phat, phot, phut, poha, port, pour, pout, prag, prao, prat, prau, proa, prog, pruh, prut, ptah, pugh, raga, rahu, rapt, rata, rath, rato, ratu, rota, roua, roup, rout, ruga, rupa, ruta, ruth, taar, taha, tahr, tapa, tapu, tara, taro, tarp, taur, thar, thor, thou, thro, thru, thug, toga, toph, toru, toug, toup, tour, trag, trah, trap, trog, trop, trug, turp, upgo, urao, urth, utah

3 Letter Words for Autograph

aah, aga, ago, agr, agt, aha, aho, ahu, aor, apa, aph, apr, apt, ara, arg, art, aru, atp, aug, auh, gap, gar, gat, gau, goa, gop, gor, got, gou, gph, gra, gro, gup, gur, gut, hag, hao, hap, hat, hau, hgt, hoa, hog, hop, hor, hot, hug, hup, hut, oar, oat, opa, opt, ora, org, ort, oup, our, out, pah, par, pat, pau, pho, phr, pht, phu, poa, poh, por, pot, pro, pta, ptg, pua, pug, puh, pur, put, rag, rah, rap, rat, rha, rho, rog, rot, rpt, rug, rut, taa, tag, tao, tap, tar, tau, tha, tho, toa, tog, top, tor, tou, tph, tra, trp, tua, tug, tup, tur, ugh, ugt, upo, ura, urp, uta

Definitions for Autograph

[1] a person's own signature: He collects autographs of artists.
[2] something written in a person's own hand, as a manuscript or letter.
[3] written by a person's own hand: an autograph letter.
[4] containing autographs: an autograph album.
[5] to write one's name on or in; sign: to autograph a book.
[6] to write with one's own hand.
[7] a handwritten signature, esp that of a famous person (as modifier ) an autograph album
[8] a person's handwriting
[9] a book, document, etc, handwritten by its author; original manuscript; holograph (as modifier ) an autograph letter
[10] to write one's signature on or in; sign
[11] to write with one's own hand

Words related to Autograph

endorsement, inscription, handwriting, seal, token, writing, signature, sign, engross, subscribe, pen, inscribe, endorse, handwrite, ink

Words nearby Autograph

autogenic training, autogenous, autogenous vaccine, autogiro, autograft, autograph, autography, autoharp, autohemagglutination, autohemolysin, autohemolysis

Origin of Autograph

1630–40; < Latin autographum, noun use of neuter of Latin autographus written with one's own hand < Greek autógraphos. See auto-1, -graph

Other words from Autograph

au·to·graph·ic [aw-tuh -graf -ik] /ˌɔ təˈgræf ɪk/ , au·to·graph·i·cal , adjective
au·to·graph·i·cal·ly , adverb
un·au·to·graphed , adjective

Word origin for Autograph

C17: from Late Latin, from Greek autographos, from autos self + graphein to write

Synonyms for Autograph

endorsement, handwriting, inscription, seal, token, writing, John Hancock, undersignature