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Showing words for AUTONOMOUS using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Autonomous
9 Letter Words for Autonomous
7 Letter Words for Autonomous
6 Letter Words for Autonomous
5 Letter Words for Autonomous
4 Letter Words for Autonomous
3 Letter Words for Autonomous
Definitions for Autonomous
[1] Government . self-governing; independent; subject to its own laws only. pertaining to an autonomy, or a self-governing community.
[2] having autonomy; not subject to control from outside; independent: a subsidiary that functioned as an autonomous unit.
[3] (of a vehicle) navigated and maneuvered by a computer without a need for human control or intervention under a range of driving situations and conditions: an autonomous vehicle.
[4] Biology . existing and functioning as an independent organism. growing naturally or spontaneously, without cultivation.
[5] (of a community, country, etc) possessing a large degree of self-government
[6] of or relating to an autonomous community
[7] independent of others
[8] philosophy acting or able to act in accordance with rules and principles of one's own choosing (in the moral philosophy of Kant, of an individual's will) directed to duty rather than to some other end Compare heteronomous (def. 3) See also categorical imperative
[9] biology existing as an organism independent of other organisms or parts
[10] a variant spelling of autonomic (def. 3)
Words related to Autonomous
self-governing, sovereign, free, uncontrolled
Words nearby Autonomous
autonomic neurogenic bladder, autonomic plexus, autonomics, autonomism, autonomotropic, autonomous, autonomous phoneme, autonomous syntax, autonomy, autonym, autooxidation
Origin of Autonomous
1790–1800; < Greek autónomos “with laws of one's own, independent,” equivalent to auto- auto-1 + nóm(os ) “law, custom” + -os adj. suffix
Other words from Autonomous
au·ton·o·mous·ly , adverb
non·au·ton·o·mous , adjective
non·au·ton·o·mous·ly , adverb
non·au·ton·o·mous·ness , noun
Word origin for Autonomous
C19: from Greek autonomos living under one's own laws, from auto- + nomos law
Synonyms for Autonomous
self-governing, sovereign, free, self-determining, self-ruling, uncontrolled