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Showing words for AUTOPHAGIA using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Autophagia


9 Letter Words for Autophagia


7 Letter Words for Autophagia

apathia, aphagia, patagia

6 Letter Words for Autophagia

agouta, agouti, haupia, patgia, pigout, taiaha, taihoa, tupaia, utopia

5 Letter Words for Autophagia

agata, agita, aguti, apout, aught, ghaut, gotha, hagia, hupot, hutia, igapo, ought, patao, patia, patio, pight, pitau, tagua, tahua, taiga, taipo, tapia, tapoa, taupo, thagi, topau, tophi, topia, tough

4 Letter Words for Autophagia

agha, agio, agit, agua, aith, aitu, apia, apio, atap, atip, atop, atua, augh, auth, auto, gaia, gait, gapa, gapo, gata, gath, gaup, gaut, ghat, gith, goat, goth, goup, gout, guao, hagi, hait, hapu, haut, hipt, hoga, hoit, hopi, hoti, hout, hugo, huia, hupa, iago, iota, oahu, oath, ogpu, ohia, opah, opai, ough, ouph, outa, paga, paha, pahi, paho, pata, path, pato, patu, paua, paut, phat, phit, phot, phut, pita, pith, piua, poha, poti, pout, ptah, ptui, pugh, taha, taig, tapa, tapu, thai, thig, thio, thou, thug, tiao, tipu, toga, toph, topi, toug, toup, tupi, upgo, utah, utai

3 Letter Words for Autophagia

aah, aga, ago, agt, aha, ahi, aho, ahu, aia, ait, apa, aph, apt, atp, aug, auh, gap, gat, gau, gio, git, goa, goi, gop, got, gou, gph, gui, gup, gut, hag, hao, hap, hat, hau, hgt, hia, hip, hit, hoa, hog, hoi, hop, hot, hug, hui, hup, hut, iaa, iao, ihp, iou, iph, ipo, ita, oat, opa, opt, oui, oup, out, pah, pat, pau, phi, pho, pht, phu, pia, pig, pit, piu, poa, poh, poi, pot, pta, ptg, pua, pug, puh, put, taa, tag, tai, tao, tap, tau, tha, tho, tig, tip, tiu, toa, tog, toi, top, tou, tph, tpi, tua, tug, tui, tup, ugh, ugt, uit, upo, uta, uti

Definitions for Autophagia

[1] controlled digestion of damaged organelles within a cell.
[2] the maintenance of bodily nutrition by the metabolic breakdown of some bodily tissues.

Words nearby Autophagia

autonomous syntax, autonomy, autonym, autooxidation, autopen, autophagia, autophyte, autopilot, autopista, autoplast, autoplasty

Origin of Autophagia

auto-1 + -phagia

Other words from Autophagia

au·to·phag·ic [aw-tuh -faj -ik] /ˌɔ təˈfædʒ ɪk/ , adjective
au′to•phag′ ic (-făj′ ĭk ) adj.