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Showing words for AVOUCHMENT using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Avouchment


9 Letter Words for Avouchment


7 Letter Words for Avouchment

anethum, automen, centavo, conveth, manchet, maunche, mechant, munchet, nathemo, notaeum, outcame, outname, toumnah, uncheat, unmacho, unteach, vacuome

6 Letter Words for Avouchment

acetum, acumen, aethon, amount, ancome, aneuch, anthem, avocet, avouch, camote, centum, chaton, chaute, chauve, chevon, choate, chonta, chouan, chteau, chunam, cohune, comate, cometh, contam, coteau, cotham, cotman, couthe, covent, cueman, econut, emunct, entach, haunce, havent, hetman, hounce, humane, humate, humect, macoun, macute, mahone, mahout, manche, manchu, maunch, meacon, mentha, mohave, monach, monact, moneth, motuca, mouche, moutan, mouthe, movant, movent, mucate, nautch, netcha, noctua, nouche, noumea, novate, nuchae, octane, octave, omenta, othman, outman, outmen, techno, tecuma, thoman, toucan, toucha, touche, uncate, uncave, uncoat, uncome, uneath, unhate, unhave, unhome, unmate, unmeth, untame, unteam, unvote, vatmen, vaunce, vocate

5 Letter Words for Avouchment

acone, acton, acute, aevum, ahent, ahunt, ament, amove, ancho, antum, atone, atune, aucht, autem, avoue, cahot, cameo, caneh, canoe, canto, cauon, cavum, cento, centu, chant, chaum, chave, cheat, chemo, chena, chota, chout, chuet, chute, coate, cohen, cohue, comae, comet, comte, conta, conte, cotan, cothe, couma, count, couth, couve, coven, covet, cunea, enact, enhat, enoch, entom, hance, haunt, haute, haven, havoc, heman, hoten, houve, hovea, hoven, huaco, human, humet, mache, macho, macon, mahoe, maneh, manet, manoc, manto, match, mathe, mauve, maven, meach, meant, meath, mecon, menat, menta, mento, metho, mocha, moche, monte, month, moten, mouch, mount, mouth, mucho, munch, mutch, muton, nache, nacho, nahum, natch, nathe, nauch, navet, neath, neuma, nevat, nocht, notch, notum, novae, novem, novum, nucha, numac, oaten, ocean, ochna, octan, oncet, oucht, ounce, outen, ovant, ovate, tache, tacho, tauon, teach, tecon, tecum, teman, tench, teuch, thane, thave, theca, thema, thone, thuoc, toman, touch, tunca, unact, unamo, uneth, unhat, unhot, unmet, uvate, vache, vacuo, vaunt, vaute, venom, venta, vetch, vocat, vouch, vucom

4 Letter Words for Avouchment

ache, acme, acne, acth, actu, ahem, ahum, amen, amon, ance, anet, ante, antu, atmo, atoc, atom, aune, aunt, aute, auth, auto, came, camo, cane, cant, caon, cate, cath, caum, cave, cavu, cent, cham, chan, chao, chat, chem, chen, chmn, chon, chou, chum, chun, chut, coat, coma, come, cone, cont, conv, cote, coth, coua, coue, cove, cunt, cuon, cute, cuve, each, eath, echo, echt, econ, ecto, enam, ento, eoan, etch, etna, eton, etua, haec, haen, hame, hant, hate, haum, haut, have, heat, hent, home, hone, hont, hote, hout, hove, huma, hunt, mace, mach, maco, mahu, mane, mano, mant, mate, math, maun, maut, mean, meat, mech, meno, ment, menu, meta, meth, moan, moat, moca, moch, moet, moha, mona, mone, mont, mota, mote, moth, motu, moue, moun, mout, move, much, munt, muon, muta, mute, muth, nace, nach, name, nato, natu, naut, nave, neat, nema, nemo, neth, neum, neut, nevo, noah, noma, nome, nota, note, nout, nova, oahu, oath, oche, ocht, octa, oman, omen, onca, once, ouch, outa, oven, ovum, tace, tach, taco, taen, tame, tane, tanh, taum, taun, tave, tche, tchu, team, tean, teca, tech, thae, than, thea, them, then, thon, thou, toch, toea, tome, tone, toun, tuan, tume, tuna, tune, tuno, unca, unce, unco, unct, unta, unto, utah, utch, uvae, uvea, vane, vant, vatu, vaut, veau, vehm, vena, vent, veta, veto, voce, voet, vota, vote

3 Letter Words for Avouchment

ace, ach, act, aho, ahu, ame, amt, amu, anc, ane, ant, anu, ate, atm, auh, aum, ave, avn, avo, cam, can, cat, cav, cen, ceo, cha, che, chm, chn, cho, com, con, cot, cte, ctn, cto, cue, cum, cun, cut, cva, eam, ean, eat, eau, ech, ecm, eco, ect, ecu, emo, emu, enc, env, eom, eon, eta, etc, eth, hae, ham, han, hao, hat, hau, hav, hem, hen, heo, het, hmo, hoa, hoc, hoe, hom, hon, hot, hue, hum, hun, hut, mac, mae, man, mao, mat, mau, mea, meh, men, met, meu, mho, mna, moa, moc, moe, mon, mot, mou, mtn, mun, mut, nae, nah, nam, nat, nav, nco, nea, neo, net, noa, noh, nom, not, nov, nth, num, nut, oam, oat, oca, och, oct, ohm, ohv, ona, one, ont, otc, out, ova, tam, tan, tao, tau, tav, tch, tea, tec, tem, ten, tha, the, thm, tho, tmh, tmv, toa, toc, toe, tom, ton, tou, tov, tua, tue, tum, tun, uca, uma, ume, una, unc, unh, uta, utc, ute, uva, vac, vae, van, vat, vau, vet, voc, voe, von, vum

Definitions for Avouchment

[1] to make frank acknowledgment or affirmation of; declare or assert with positiveness.
[2] to assume responsibility for; vouch for; guarantee.
[3] to admit; confess.
[4] to vouch for; guarantee
[5] to acknowledge
[6] to assert

Words related to Avouchment

avouchcontend, claim, state, avow, affirm, verify, certify, say, maintain, admit, swear, asseverate, argue, aver, announce, hold, declare

Words nearby Avouchment

avouchavoir., avoirdupois, avoirdupois weight, avon, avon lake, avouch, avow, avowal, avowed, avowry, avram

Origin of Avouchment

1350–1400; Middle English avouchen < Middle French avouchier < Latin advocāre. See a-5, vouch, advocate

Other words from Avouchment

a·vouch·er , noun
a·vouch·ment , noun
un·a·vouched , adjective

Word origin for Avouchment

C16: from Old French avochier to summon, call on, from Latin advocāre; see advocate

Synonyms for Avouchment

affirmation, allegation, asseveration, declaration, protestation, statement, verification