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Showing words for AWE using the English dictionary

3 Letter Words for Awe

awe, wae

Definitions for Awe

[1] an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc., produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful, or the like: in awe of God; in awe of great political figures.
[2] Archaic . power to inspire fear or reverence.
[3] Obsolete . fear or dread.
[4] to inspire with awe.
[5] to influence or restrain by awe.
[6] overwhelming wonder, admiration, respect, or dread
[7] archaic power to inspire fear or reverence
[8] (tr) to inspire with reverence or dread

Words related to Awe

admiration, dread, apprehension, horror, shock, esteem, astonishment, reverence, terror, consternation, wonderment, wonder, dazzle, intimidate, frighten, alarm, stupefy, impress, startle, astonish

Words nearby Awe

away, away goal, away-going crop, awayday, awb, awe, awe-inspiring, awe-struck, aweary, aweather, awed

Origin of Awe

1250–1300; Middle English aghe, awe < Scandinavian; compare Old Norse agi fear, cognate with Gothic agis, Old English ege, Greek áchos pain

Other words from Awe

out·awe , verb (used with object), out·awed, out·aw·ing.

Word origin for Awe

C13: from Old Norse agi; related to Gothic agis fear, Greek akhesthai to be grieved

Synonyms for Awe

admiration, apprehension, astonishment, consternation, dread, esteem, horror, reverence, shock, terror, wonder, wonderment, fear, fright, regard, respect, stupefaction, veneration, worship