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Showing words for AWL using the English dictionary
3 Letter Words for Awl
Definitions for Awl
[1] a pointed instrument for piercing small holes in leather, wood, etc.
[2] absent with leave.
[3] a pointed hand tool with a fluted blade used for piercing wood, leather, etc See also bradawl
Words related to Awl
auger, punch, implement, bit, gimlet, trephine, trepan, borer, riveter, wimble, corkscrew, jackhammer, dibble, countersink
Words nearby Awl
awheel, awhile, awhirl, awkward, awkward age, awl, awl snail, awl-shaped, awless, awlwort, awmous
Origin of Awl
before 900; Middle English al, eal, aul, Old English al, eal, æl; cognate with Old Norse alr; akin to Middle English ēl, Old English ǣl, Old High German āla (German Ahle ), Sanskrit ā́rā
Words that may be confused with Awl
ale, ail, awl, all, awl, (see, usage, note, at, all)
Word origin for Awl
Old English ǣl; related to Old Norse alr, Old High German āla, Dutch aal, Sanskrit ārā
Synonyms for Awl
auger, bit, borer, corkscrew, countersink, dibble, gimlet, implement, jackhammer, punch, riveter, trepan, trephine, wimble, rotary tool