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Showing words for AXION using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Axion
4 Letter Words for Axion
aion, axin, axon, naio, naoi, noix, noxa, oxan, xian
3 Letter Words for Axion
ain, aix, iao, ion, nix, noa, nox, ona, oni
Definitions for Axion
[1] a hypothetical particle having no charge, zero spin, and small mass: postulated in some forms of quantum chromodynamics.
[2] physics a hypothetical neutral elementary particle postulated to account for certain conservation laws in the strong interaction
Words nearby Axion
axiology, axiom, axiom of choice, axiom of countability, axiomatic, axion, axioplasm, axioversion, axipetal, axis, axis deer
Origin of Axion
1978; perhaps axi(al current) + -on1
Word origin for Axion
C20: from axi (om ) + -on