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Showing words for BAA using the English dictionary
3 Letter Words for Baa
aba, baa
Definitions for Baa
[1] to make the sound of a sheep; bleat.
[2] the bleating cry of a sheep.
[3] Bachelor of Applied Arts.
[4] (intr) to make the cry of a sheep; bleat
[5] the cry made by sheep
[6] the main airports operator in the United Kingdom; until privatization in 1987, an abbreviation for British Airports Authority
Words related to Baa
blather, fuss, gripe, cry, whine, bluster, blat, maa
Words nearby Baa
ba', ba'ath, ba'th, ba., ba. is., baa, baa, baa, black sheep, baader-meinhof gang, baader-meinhof phenomenon, baal, baal kore
Origin of Baa
First recorded in 1580–90; imitative