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Showing words for BAAL using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Baal
alba, baal
3 Letter Words for Baal
aal, aba, abl, ala, alb, baa, bal, laa, lab
Definitions for Baal
[1] no; not.
[2] any of numerous local deities among the ancient Semitic peoples, typifying the productive forces of nature and worshiped with much sensuality.
[3] (sometimes lowercase ) a false god.
[4] any of several ancient Semitic fertility gods
[5] Phoenician myth the sun god and supreme national deity
[6] (sometimes not capital) any false god or idol
Words nearby Baal
ba. is., baa, baa, baa, black sheep, baader-meinhof gang, baader-meinhof phenomenon, baal, baal kore, baal merodach, baal shem tov, baal shem-tov, baalbek
Origin of Baal
From the Hebrew word baʿal lord
Other words from Baal
Ba·al·ish , adjective
Word origin for Baal
from Hebrew bá'al lord, master