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Showing words for BAGATELLE using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Bagatelle
8 Letter Words for Bagatelle
7 Letter Words for Bagatelle
6 Letter Words for Bagatelle
5 Letter Words for Bagatelle
4 Letter Words for Bagatelle
3 Letter Words for Bagatelle
Definitions for Bagatelle
[1] something of little value or importance; a trifle.
[2] a game played on a board having holes at one end into which balls are to be struck with a cue.
[3] pinball.
[4] a short and light musical composition, typically for the piano.
[5] something of little value or significance; trifle
[6] a board game in which balls are struck into holes, with pins as obstacles; pinball
[7] another name for bar billiards
[8] a short light piece of music, esp for piano
Words related to Bagatelle
trifle, game, toy, knickknack
Words nearby Bagatelle
bag people, bag table, baganda, bagasse, bagassosis, bagatelle, bagatha, bagdad, bagdad boil, bagehot, bagel
Origin of Bagatelle
1630–40; < French < Upper Italian bagat(t)ella, equivalent to bagatt(a ) small possession (perhaps bag(a ) berry (< Latin bāca; cf. bay4) + -att(a ) diminutive suffix) + -ella < Latin -illa diminutive suffix
Word origin for Bagatelle
C17: from French, from Italian bagattella , from (dialect) bagatta a little possession, from baga a possession, probably from Latin bāca berry
Synonyms for Bagatelle
game, knickknack, toy, trifle