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Showing words for BAHT using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Baht
baht, bath, bhat
3 Letter Words for Baht
abt, bah, bat, hab, hat, tab, tha, thb
Definitions for Baht
[1] a paper money and monetary unit of Thailand, equal to 100 satangs.
[2] the standard monetary unit of Thailand, divided into 100 satang
Words nearby Baht
bahr, bahr el ghazal, bahr el jebel, bahrain, bahraini, baht, bahu, bahut, bahuvrihi, bahía blanca, bahía de cochinos
Origin of Baht
1820–30; < Thai bà:t, earlier, a measure of weight, ultimately < Pali pāda foot
Word origin for Baht
from Thai bāt