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Showing words for BAHUT using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Bahut
4 Letter Words for Bahut
abut, auth, baht, bath, bhat, bhut, buat, habu, haut, tuba, utah
3 Letter Words for Bahut
abt, abu, ahu, auh, bah, bat, btu, but, hab, hat, hau, hub, hut, tab, tau, tha, thb, tua, tub, uta
Definitions for Bahut
[1] a medieval French chest for household goods, originally small and portable.
[2] a dwarf parapet or attic wall, especially one carrying the wall plates of a church roof.
Words nearby Bahut
bahr el jebel, bahrain, bahraini, baht, bahu, bahut, bahuvrihi, bahía blanca, bahía de cochinos, bai, baia-mare
Origin of Bahut
1830–40; < French, Old French bahu, bahuz, perhaps < Old Low Franconian *baghôdi cover, protection, equivalent to *bag- bag + *-hôdi protection, akin to hide1, hut