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Showing words for BAHUVRIHI using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Bahuvrihi


6 Letter Words for Bahuvrihi

bihari, brahui, rhibia

5 Letter Words for Bahuvrihi

bahur, barih, bihar, bivia, bravi, harbi, rubai, rubia, urbia

4 Letter Words for Bahuvrihi

abir, abri, aivr, arui, bari, baru, baur, biri, buhr, bura, burh, buri, habu, hair, huia, hura, rabi, rahu, riva, uria, urva, vair, vari

3 Letter Words for Bahuvrihi

abr, abu, abv, ahh, ahi, ahu, air, arb, aru, auh, bah, bai, bar, bra, bur, hab, hau, hav, hia, hir, hiv, hub, huh, hui, iba, ihi, ira, iva, rab, rah, rai, rbi, rha, rhb, ria, rib, riv, rub, ubi, ura, urb, uva, var, vau, via, vii

Definitions for Bahuvrihi

[1] Grammar . a compound noun or adjective consisting of two constituents, the first of which is adjectival and describes the person or object denoted by the second, which is nominal: the compound as a whole denotes or describes a person or object having what is denoted by the second element, as bonehead, heavy-handed, redcoat.
[2] a class of compound words consisting of two elements the first of which is a specific feature of the second
[3] a compound word of this type, such as hunchback , bluebell , highbrow

Words nearby Bahuvrihi

bahrain, bahraini, baht, bahu, bahut, bahuvrihi, bahía blanca, bahía de cochinos, bai, baia-mare, baiae

Origin of Bahuvrihi

1840–50; < Sanskrit: literally, having much rice, equivalent to bahu- much + vrīhi rice; used to name the type of compound word of which it is an example

Word origin for Bahuvrihi

C19: from Sanskrit bahuvrīhi , itself this type of compound, from bahu much + vrīh rice