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Showing words for BALMY using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Balmy
4 Letter Words for Balmy
3 Letter Words for Balmy
Definitions for Balmy
[1] mild and refreshing; soft; soothing: balmy weather.
[2] having the qualities of balm; aromatic; fragrant: balmy leaves.
[3] producing balm: balmy plants; a balmy shrub.
[4] Informal . crazy; foolish; eccentric.
[5] (of weather) mild and pleasant
[6] having the qualities of balm; fragrant or soothing
[7] a variant spelling of barmy
Words related to Balmy
pleasant, tropical, mild, temperate, moist, moderate, refreshing, summery, summerlike, absurd, cracked, crazed, crazy, daft, deranged, dotty, foolish, harebrained, idiotic, loony
Words nearby Balmy
balmain bug, balmer, balmer series, balmoral, balmung, balmy, balneal, balneology, balneotherapy, balochi, balon
Origin of Balmy
First recorded in 1490–1500; balm + -y1
Other words from Balmy
balm·i·ly , adverb
balm·i·ness , noun
Synonyms for Balmy
mild, moist, pleasant, temperate, tropical, moderate, refreshing, summerlike, summery