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Showing words for BANJO using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Banjo
4 Letter Words for Banjo
3 Letter Words for Banjo
Definitions for Banjo
[1] a musical instrument of the guitar family, having a circular body covered in front with tightly stretched parchment and played with the fingers or a plectrum.
[2] a stringed musical instrument with a long neck (usually fretted) and a circular drumlike body overlaid with parchment, plucked with the fingers or a plectrum
[3] slang any banjo-shaped object, esp a frying pan
[4] Australian and NZ slang a long-handled shovel with a wide blade
[5] (modifier) banjo-shaped a banjo clock
Words nearby Banjo
banister back, banisters, banja luka, banjarmasin, banjermasin, banjo, banjo clock, banjolele, banjul, bank, bank acceptance
Origin of Banjo
1730–40; compare Jamaican English banja, bonjour, bangil, Brazilian Portuguese banza; probably of African orig.; compare Kimbundu mbanza a plucked string instrument
Other words from Banjo
ban·jo·ist , noun
Word origin for Banjo
C18: variant (US Southern pronunciation) of bandore