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Showing words for BANNED using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Banned
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Definitions for Banned
[1] to prohibit, forbid, or bar; interdict: to ban nuclear weapons; The dictator banned all newspapers and books that criticized his regime.
[2] Archaic . to pronounce an ecclesiastical curse upon. to curse; execrate.
[3] the act of prohibiting by law; interdiction.
[4] informal denunciation or prohibition, as by public opinion: society's ban on racial discrimination.
[5] Law . a proclamation. a public condemnation.
[6] Ecclesiastical . a formal condemnation; excommunication.
[7] a malediction; curse.
[8] (tr) to prohibit, esp officially, from action, display, entrance, sale, etc; forbid to ban a book ; to ban smoking
[9] (tr) (formerly in South Africa) to place (a person suspected of illegal political activity) under a government order restricting his movement and his contact with other people
[10] archaic to curse
[11] an official prohibition or interdiction
[12] law an official proclamation or public notice, esp of prohibition
[13] a public proclamation or edict, esp of outlawry
[14] archaic public censure or condemnation
[15] archaic a curse; imprecation
[16] (in feudal England) the summoning of vassals to perform their military obligations
[17] a monetary unit of Romania and Moldova worth one hundredth of a leu
Words related to Banned
banillegal, taboo, tabu
Words nearby Banned
banbamboo network, bamboo shoots, bamboo turning, bamboo ware, bamboozle, ban, ban-lon, ban-the-bomber, banaba, banaban, banach space
Origin of Banned
1before 1000; Middle English bannen, Old English bannan to summon, proclaim; cognate with Old Norse banna to curse (probably influencing some senses of ME word), Old High German bannan; akin to Latin fārī to speak, Sanskrit bhanati (he) speaks
Words that may be confused with Banned
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, banband, banned, banns, bans
Other words from Banned
ban·na·ble , adjective
un·banned , adjective
Word origin for Banned
from Romanian, from Serbo-Croat bān lord