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Showing words for BAPTISM using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Baptism
6 Letter Words for Baptism
5 Letter Words for Baptism
4 Letter Words for Baptism
3 Letter Words for Baptism
Definitions for Baptism
[1] Ecclesiastical . a ceremonial immersion in water, or application of water, as an initiatory rite or sacrament of the Christian church.
[2] any similar ceremony or action of initiation, dedication, etc.
[3] a trying or purifying experience or initiation.
[4] Christian Science . purification of thought and character.
[5] a Christian religious rite consisting of immersion in or sprinkling with water as a sign that the subject is cleansed from sin and constituted as a member of the Church
[6] the act of baptizing or of undergoing baptism
[7] any similar experience of initiation, regeneration, or dedication
Words related to Baptism
debut, immersion, ritual, ablution, purification, purge, introduction, purgation, dedication, sprinkling, christening, sanctification, lustration, baptismal
Words nearby Baptism
baoshan, baotou, bap, bap., bapt., baptism, baptism for the dead, baptism of fire, baptismal name, baptismal regeneration, baptist
Origin of Baptism
1250–1300; Middle English < Late Latin baptisma < Greek bapt(ízein ) to baptize + -isma -ism; replacing Middle English bapteme < Old French < Late Latin, as above
Other words from Baptism
bap·tis·mal [bap-tiz -muh l] /bæpˈtɪz məl/ , adjective
bap·tis·mal·ly , adverb
post·bap·tis·mal , adjective
pseu·do·bap·tis·mal , adjective
re·bap·tism , noun
Synonyms for Baptism
ablution, christening, debut, dedication, immersion, introduction, launching, purgation, purge, purification, ritual, sanctification, sprinkling, baptismal, dunking, lustration, rite of passage