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Showing words for BARONET using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Baronet
6 Letter Words for Baronet
5 Letter Words for Baronet
4 Letter Words for Baronet
3 Letter Words for Baronet
Definitions for Baronet
[1] a member of a British hereditary order of honor, ranking below the barons and made up of commoners, designated by Sir before the name and Baronet, usually abbreviated Bart., after: Sir John Smith, Bart.
[2] (in Britain) a commoner who holds the lowest hereditary title of honour, ranking below a baron Abbreviation: Bart. , Bt
Words related to Baronet
aristocrat, patrician, emperor, count, noble, baron, gentleman, valet, knight, peer, lord, prince, marquis, duke, earl, archduke, magnifico, grandee, viscount
Words nearby Baronet
baron, baron of beef, baron-cohen, baronage, baroness, baronet, baronetage, baronetcy, baronetess, baronetize, barong
Origin of Baronet
Middle English word dating back to 1350–1400; see origin at baron, -et
Words that may be confused with Baronet
Other words from Baronet
bar·o·net·i·cal , adjective
Word origin for Baronet
C15: order instituted 1611, from baron + -et
Synonyms for Baronet
aristocrat, emperor, patrician, archduke, baron, count, duke, earl, gentleman, grandee, knight, lord, magnifico, marquis, noble, peer, prince, valet, viscount