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Showing words for BARRIER using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Barrier
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3 Letter Words for Barrier
Definitions for Barrier
[1] anything built or serving to bar passage, as a railing, fence, or the like: People may pass through the barrier only when their train is announced.
[2] any natural bar or obstacle: a mountain barrier.
[3] anything that restrains or obstructs progress, access, etc.: a trade barrier.
[4] a limit or boundary of any kind: the barriers of caste.
[5] Physical Geography . an antarctic ice shelf or ice front.
[6] barrier beach.
[7] barriers, History/Historical . the palisade or railing surrounding the ground where tourneys and jousts were carried on.
[8] Archaic . a fortress or stockade.
[9] anything serving to obstruct passage or to maintain separation, such as a fence or gate
[10] anything that prevents or obstructs passage, access, or progress a barrier of distrust
[11] anything that separates or hinders union a language barrier
[12] an exposed offshore sand bar separated from the shore by a lagoon (as modifier ) a barrier beach
[13] (sometimes capital) that part of the Antarctic icecap extending over the sea
Words related to Barrier
fence, wall, limit, roadblock, blockade, obstacle, barricade, hurdle, railing, impediment, boundary, restriction, handicap, restraint, drawback, difficulty, hindrance, moat, bar, fortification
Words nearby Barrier
barretter, barriada, barricade, barricado, barrie, barrier, barrier beach, barrier cream, barrier island, barrier of ideas, barrier-nurse
Origin of Barrier
1275–1325; Middle English < Middle French barriere (barre bar1 + -iere < Latin -āria -ary); replacing Middle English barrere < Anglo-French < Medieval Latin barrera
Word origin for Barrier
C14: from Old French barriere , from barre bar 1
Synonyms for Barrier
barricade, blockade, boundary, fence, hurdle, impediment, limit, obstacle, railing, roadblock, wall, bar, bound, confines, curtain, ditch, enclosure, fortification, gully, moat, pale, palisade, rampart, stop, trench, blank wall