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Showing words for BARTER using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Barter
5 Letter Words for Barter
4 Letter Words for Barter
3 Letter Words for Barter
Definitions for Barter
[1] to trade by exchange of commodities rather than by the use of money.
[2] to exchange in trade, as one commodity for another; trade.
[3] to bargain away unwisely or dishonorably (usually followed by away ): bartering away his pride for material gain.
[4] the act or practice of bartering.
[5] items or an item for bartering: We arrived with new barter for the villagers.
[6] to trade (goods, services, etc) in exchange for other goods, services, etc, rather than for money the refugees bartered for food
[7] (intr) to haggle over the terms of such an exchange; bargain
[8] trade by the exchange of goods
Words related to Barter
haggle, exchange, bargain, trade, truck, swap, traffic
Words nearby Barter
bart, bart's hemoglobin, bart., bartend, bartender, barter, bartered bride, the, barth, barth's hernia, barthelme, barthes
Origin of Barter
1400–50; late Middle English, apparently < Anglo-French, Old French bareter, barater (see barrator), with shift of sense
Other words from Barter
bar·ter·er , noun
out·bar·ter , verb (used with object)
un·bar·tered , adjective
un·bar·ter·ing , adjective
Word origin for Barter
C15: from Old French barater to cheat; perhaps related to Greek prattein to do