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Showing words for BASAL using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Basal
4 Letter Words for Basal
3 Letter Words for Basal
Definitions for Basal
[1] of, at, or forming the base.
[2] forming a basis; fundamental; basic.
[3] Physiology . indicating a standard low level of activity of an organism, as during total rest. of an amount required to maintain this level.
[4] Medicine/Medical . serving to induce a preliminary or light anesthesia prior to total anesthetization.
[5] at, of, or constituting a base
[6] of or constituting a foundation or basis; fundamental; essential
Words related to Basal
beginning, easy, elementary, fundamental, initial, lowest, necessary
Words nearby Basal
barège, bas bleu, bas-relief, bas-rhin, basad, basal, basal anaesthesia, basal anesthesia, basal body, basal cell, basal cell carcinoma
Origin of Basal
First recorded in 1820–30; base1 + -al1
Other words from Basal
ba·sal·ly , adverb
pre·ba·sal , adjective
Synonyms for Basal
beginning, easy, elementary, fundamental, initial, lowest, necessary