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Showing words for BASIS using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Basis
4 Letter Words for Basis
3 Letter Words for Basis
Definitions for Basis
[1] the bottom or base of anything; the part on which something stands or rests.
[2] anything upon which something is based; fundamental principle; groundwork.
[3] the principal constituent; fundamental ingredient.
[4] a basic fact, amount, standard, etc., used in making computations, reaching conclusions, or the like: The nurse is paid on an hourly basis. He was chosen on the basis of his college grades.
[5] Mathematics . a set of linearly independent elements of a given vector space having the property that every element of the space can be written as a linear combination of the elements of the set.
[6] something that underlies, supports, or is essential to something else, esp an abstract idea
[7] a principle on which something depends or from which something has issued
[8] maths (of a vector space) a maximal set of linearly independent vectors, in terms of which all the elements of the space are uniquely expressible, and the number of which is the dimension of the space the vectors x , y and z form a basis of the 3-dimensional space all members of which can be written as a x + b y + c z
Words related to Basis
support, footing, base, ground, justification, theory, fundamental, evidence, reason, assumption, principle, premise, essential, security, explanation, proof, bottom, groundwork, bed, seat
Words nearby Basis
basing point, basingstoke, basion, basipetal, basiphobia, basis, basis of articulation, basis point, basis weight, basisphenoid, basivertebral vein
Origin of Basis
1525–35; < Latin < Greek básis step, place one stands on, pedestal, equivalent to ba-, base of baínein to walk, step (akin to come) + -sis -sis; cf. base1
Word origin for Basis
C14: via Latin from Greek: step, from bainein to step, go
Synonyms for Basis
base, footing, ground, support, bed, bottom, foot, groundwork, rest, seat, substructure, resting place