9 Letter Words for Bastinado
8 Letter Words for Bastinado
7 Letter Words for Bastinado
abiston, abstain, adonist, anisado, atonias, bandits, bantoid, bastian, bastion, biodata, boniata, bonitas, daboias, indabas, obtains, sabadin, sabaton, stadion, tabanid
6 Letter Words for Bastinado
abands, abasio, abatis, abaton, adatis, adonai, adonis, aidant, anitos, anotia, ansaid, antido, asonia, astond, atonia, badian, bandas, bandit, bandos, banias, basion, basnat, basoid, baston, batino, batoid, batons, bidons, bionts, biotas, bonasa, bonist, bonita, bonsai, bosnia, daboia, danios, dation, diotas, donbas, dosain, idants, indaba, istana, naiads, oatbin, obtain, sabian, sabina, sabino, sandia, sation, siabon, sodain, sonata, sotnia, standi, taband, tainos, tinosa, tonada
5 Letter Words for Bastinado
aband, abdat, absit, adati, adion, adios, adits, aidos, ainas, anabo, andia, anoas, anoia, antas, antis, asian, badan, baits, banat, banda, bandi, bando, bands, bania, bants, basad, basan, basat, basin, bason, basta, basti, basto, batad, batis, baton, bidon, binds, bints, biont, biota, bison, bitos, boast, boats, boist, bonds, botan, botas, daint, danio, danta, dants, dasnt, datos, diana, dinos, dints, diota, disna, distn, ditas, doabs, doats, doina, doits, donas, donat, donis, ibota, idant, iotas, isnad, nabis, nadas, naiad, naias, nasab, nasat, niata, niota, nitos, nobis, nsaid, obias, obits, odist, oints, ostia, sabin, sabot, saint, sanai, sanit, santa, santo, satai, satan, satin, sitao, staab, staia, staid, stain, staio, stand, stion, stoai, stond, tabid, tabis, taino, tains, tanas, tania, tanoa, tinds, toads, tondi, tsadi
4 Letter Words for Bastinado
abas, abid, abit, abos, adat, adit, adon, ados, aias, aids, aina, ains, aint, aion, aits, anas, anat, anba, anda, ands, anis, anoa, ansa, ansi, anta, anti, ants, aona, asia, asin, asio, asta, atis, baas, bads, bain, bait, band, bani, bans, bant, bast, bata, bats, bias, bida, bids, bind, bino, bins, bint, biod, bion, bios, bist, bito, bits, boas, boat, bods, boid, bona, bond, bons, bosn, bota, boti, bots, daba, dabs, dain, dais, dana, dans, dant, dasi, dast, data, dato, dian, dias, dibs, dino, dins, dint, disa, dist, dita, dits, doab, doat, dobs, doit, dona, doni, dons, dont, dosa, dost, dots, inbd, inst, inta, into, ions, iota, isba, isdn, isnt, itas, nabs, nada, naib, naid, naio, nais, naoi, naos, nasa, nasi, naso, nast, nato, nats, nibs, nids, nist, nito, nits, nobs, nodi, nods, nota, nots, oast, oats, oban, obas, obdt, obia, obis, obit, odas, odin, oint, onst, otis, saba, sadi, sado, said, sain, sana, sand, sant, sata, satd, sati, sian, sida, sina, sind, sion, sita, snab, snib, snit, snob, snod, snot, soba, soda, sond, stab, stad, stbd, stib, stid, stoa, stob, stod, tabi, tabs, tads, tain, tais, tana, tans, taos, tiao, tids, tind, tins, toad, toda, tods, tons, tosa, tsia
3 Letter Words for Bastinado
aas, aba, abd, abn, abo, abs, abt, ado, ads, aia, aid, ain, ais, ait, ana, and, ans, ant, aob, asb, ast, baa, bad, bai, ban, bas, bat, bds, bid, bin, bio, bis, bit, bns, boa, bod, bon, bos, bot, dab, dan, dao, das, dat, dia, dib, din, dis, dit, dna, doa, dob, don, dos, dot, dso, iaa, iao, iba, ida, ido, ids, ind, ins, int, ion, ios, isn, iso, ist, ita, itd, its, naa, nab, nad, nas, nat, nib, nid, nis, nit, noa, nob, nod, nos, not, oad, oas, oat, oba, obi, obs, oda, ods, ois, ona, oni, ons, ont, osi, saa, sab, sad, sai, san, sao, sat, sib, sin, sit, sob, sod, son, sot, sta, std, taa, tab, tad, tai, tan, tao, tas, tbs, tib, tid, tin, tis, toa, tob, tod, toi, ton, tos, tsi
Definitions for Bastinado
[1] a mode of punishment consisting of blows with a stick on the soles of the feet or on the buttocks.
[2] a blow or a beating with a stick, cudgel, etc.
[3] a stick or cudgel.
[4] to beat with a stick, cane, etc., especially on the soles of the feet or on the buttocks.
[5] punishment or torture in which the soles of the feet are beaten with a stick
[6] a blow or beating with a stick
[7] a stick; cudgel
[8] to beat (a person) on the soles of the feet
Words related to Bastinado
truncheon, nightstick, mace, bat, cane, club, rod, bludgeon, switch, stick, paddle, sap, blackjack, ferule, shillelagh, cosh, billy, birch, shill, spontoon
Words nearby Bastinado
bastian, bastide, bastille, bastille day, bastinade, bastinado, basting, bastion, bastnaesite, bastogne, bastrop
Origin of Bastinado
1570–80; earlier bastanado < Spanish bastonada (bastón stick (see baton) + -ada -ade1)
Other words from Bastinado
un·bas·ti·na·doed , adjective
Word origin for Bastinado
C16: from Spanish bastonada , from baston stick, from Late Latin bastum see baton
Synonyms for Bastinado
nightstick, truncheon, bat, billy, birch, blackjack, bludgeon, cane, club, cosh, ferule, mace, paddle, rod, sap, shill, shillelagh, stick, switch, billyclub, spontoon