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Showing words for BATFOWL using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Batfowl


5 Letter Words for Batfowl

ablow, aflow, aloft, balow, bloat, bowat, bowla, float, flota, oblat

4 Letter Words for Batfowl

abow, alow, alto, atwo, baft, bawl, blat, blaw, blot, blow, boat, bola, bolt, bota, bowl, flab, flat, flaw, flob, flot, flow, foal, fowl, laft, loaf, loft, lota, lowa, lowt, owlt, tola, twal, waft, walt, woft, wolf

3 Letter Words for Batfowl

abl, abo, abt, afb, aft, alb, alf, alo, alt, alw, aob, awl, bal, bat, baw, blo, blt, boa, bol, bot, bow, btl, fab, fao, fat, faw, flb, flo, flt, fob, fol, fot, fow, lab, lao, lat, law, lbf, lbw, loa, lob, lof, lot, low, oaf, oat, oba, obl, oft, ola, owl, owt, tab, tal, tao, taw, tlo, toa, tob, tol, tow, twa, two, wab, waf, wat, woa, wob, wot

Definitions for Batfowl

[1] to catch birds at night by dazzling them with a light and then capturing them in a net.
[2] (intr) to catch birds by temporarily blinding them with light

Words nearby Batfowl

bates, batesian mimicry, bateson, batf, batfish, batfowl, bath, bath and north east somerset, bath bun, bath chair, bath chap

Origin of Batfowl

1400–50; late Middle English batfowlyn. See bat2, fowl (v.)

Other words from Batfowl

bat·fowl·er , noun