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Showing words for BATHE using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Bathe
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Definitions for Bathe
[1] to immerse (all or part of the body) in water or some other liquid, for cleansing, refreshment, etc.
[2] to wet; wash.
[3] to moisten or suffuse with any liquid.
[4] to apply water or other liquid to, with a sponge, cloth, etc.: to bathe a wound.
[5] to wash over or against, as by the action of the sea, a river, etc.: incoming tides bathing the coral reef.
[6] to cover or surround: a shaft of sunlight bathing the room; a morning fog bathing the city.
[7] to take a bath or sunbath.
[8] to swim for pleasure.
[9] to be covered or surrounded as if with water.
[10] British . the act of bathing, especially in the sea, a lake, or a river. a swimming bath.
[11] (intr) to swim or paddle in a body of open water or a river, esp for pleasure
[12] (tr) to apply liquid to (skin, a wound, etc) in order to cleanse or soothe
[13] to immerse or be immersed in a liquid to bathe machine parts in oil
[14] mainly US and Canadian to wash in a bath
[15] (tr; often passive) to suffuse her face was bathed with radiance
[16] (tr) (of water, the sea, etc) to lap; wash waves bathed the shore
[17] British a swim or paddle in a body of open water or a river
Words related to Bathe
scrub, submerge, soak, dip, scour, douse, clean, wet, steep, rinse, immerse, dunk, water, moisten, hose, suffuse, bath, shower, flood, sponge
Words nearby Bathe
bath sheet, bath sponge, bath stone, bath tissue, bath towel, bathe, bather, bathers, bathetic, bathhouse, bathinette
Origin of Bathe
before 1000; Middle English bath(i)en, Old English bathian, equivalent to bæth bath1 + -ian infinitive suffix
Words that may be confused with Bathe
Other words from Bathe
re·bathe , verb, re·bathed, re·bath·ing.
Word origin for Bathe
Old English bathian ; related to Old Norse batha , Old High German badōn
Synonyms for Bathe
clean, dip, douse, immerse, rinse, scour, scrub, soak, steep, submerge, wet, bath, cleanse, dunk, flood, hose, imbue, moisten, shower, soap, sponge, suffuse, tub, water, imbathe