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Showing words for BATTLESHIP using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Battleship


8 Letter Words for Battleship

blithest, epiblast, haplites, hittable, lathiest, latisept, lithates, platiest, tithable

7 Letter Words for Battleship

ableist, albites, aliptes, alpiste, apeshit, aplites, astilbe, atheist, baittle, baptist, bastite, batiste, batlets, battels, batties, battish, battles, besplit, bestial, biphase, bistate, blastie, blatest, halites, haplite, hastile, heliast, lapiths, lettish, libates, listeth, lithate, lithest, paliest, pastile, pathlet, patible, patties, pattles, peltast, peltish, pettish, plashet, sahlite, shiplet, shittle, spattle, spittle, stabile, staithe, stealth, stethal, stipate, tablets, talipes, talthib, tapetis, telpath, thesial, thibets, thibles, thistle, thlaspi

6 Letter Words for Battleship

ablest, ablets, abseil, albeit, albite, alephs, alpist, aplite, aptest, ashpit, astite, baltei, baltis, bastle, bathes, batlet, battel, battle, beaths, belahs, belash, belast, bepats, beslap, bespat, bespit, betail, bettas, bisalt, blaest, blatti, blatts, bleats, bletia, bliest, blites, blithe, elisha, espial, ethals, habile, habits, hailes, hailse, halebi, halest, halite, haslet, heptal, hestia, hpital, isabel, labite, laithe, lapies, latest, lathes, lathie, lathis, latish, latite, lattes, libate, lipase, lithes, palest, palets, palish, pastel, pastie, pastil, patesi, patise, pattes, pattle, pelias, peltas, petals, petits, petsai, pettah, pettis, phiale, phials, pibals, pietas, pilate, pistle, pithes, pittas, plaits, plaste, plates, platie, platte, pleats, psetta, saithe, salite, saltie, saphie, sattie, sattle, sebait, septal, shebat, sheila, shelta, shtetl, spathe, spilth, spital, splite, stable, staith, staple, stealt, stelai, stilet, stipel, stithe, tables, tablet, tahsil, tailet, talite, tapeti, tapets, tapist, taplet, tasbih, tashie, taslet, taties, teaish, tehsil, tepals, thapes, theist, thetas, thetis, thibet, thible, thisbe, tilpah, tilths, tiplet, tithal, tithes, titles

5 Letter Words for Battleship

abets, abies, ables, ablet, absit, aisle, aleph, alhet, aliet, alish, alisp, alist, alite, aphis, apish, ashet, astel, athel, atilt, attle, bahts, baile, bails, baith, baits, balei, bales, balti, basel, basil, basle, baste, basti, batel, bates, bathe, baths, batis, batts, beast, beath, beati, beats, behap, beisa, belah, belap, belat, belts, bepat, besat, besit, betas, beths, betis, betta, bhels, biles, bilsh, bites, bitte, bitts, blaes, blahs, blase, blash, blast, blate, blats, blatt, bleat, blets, blips, blist, blite, blitt, btise, eblis, elaps, ephas, epist, esbat, estab, ethal, habet, habit, hable, hails, hales, halse, halte, halts, haste, hatel, hates, hatte, hatti, heals, heaps, heast, heats, heils, heist, helas, helis, helps, hiate, hibla, hilsa, hilts, islet, istle, labis, laeti, laith, lapis, lapse, lapsi, lathe, lathi, laths, latte, leaps, leapt, leash, least, leath, leats, leish, lepas, lepta, liesh, liest, lipse, litas, lites, lithe, liths, pails, paise, pales, palet, palis, paste, patel, pates, paths, patte, peals, peats, pebas, pelas, pelta, pelts, pesah, petal, petas, petit, petti, phaet, phase, pheal, phial, phies, pibal, piest, pieta, piets, pilea, piles, piste, pitas, piths, pitta, plait, plash, plast, plate, plats, pleas, pleat, plebs, pleis, plesh, plias, plies, sable, sahib, saith, salep, salet, sapit, saple, sebat, selah, sepal, sepia, septa, setal, shale, shalt, shape, sheal, sheat, shela, shiel, shipt, shita, sieth, sithe, sitta, slait, slape, slate, slath, slept, slipe, slipt, slite, spahi, spail, spait, spale, spalt, spate, spath, speal, speat, speil, spial, spiel, spile, spite, splat, splet, split, stail, stale, staph, state, steal, steil, stela, stept, stilb, stile, stilt, stipa, stipe, stite, stith, tabel, tabes, tabet, tabis, table, tahil, tails, taise, taish, taits, tales, talis, tapes, tapet, tapis, tapit, taste, tates, taths, tatie, teals, teats, teils, telia, tepal, tepas, tesla, testa, teths, thats, theat, theia, theta, tibet, tiles, tilth, tilts, tiple, tithe, title

4 Letter Words for Battleship

abel, abet, abit, able, abls, aiel, aile, ails, aith, aits, albe, albs, alep, ales, alps, alts, apes, apis, apse, apts, ates, atip, atis, atle, atli, atte, bahs, baht, bail, bait, bale, bali, bals, baps, bapt, base, bash, bast, bate, bath, bats, batt, beal, beat, bela, bels, belt, besa, best, beta, beth, bets, bhat, bhel, bias, bile, bish, bist, bite, bits, bitt, blae, blah, blas, blat, blea, blet, blip, blit, east, eath, eats, eila, elhi, elts, epha, epil, epit, etas, etat, eths, haes, hail, hait, hale, halp, hals, halt, haps, hasp, hast, hate, hats, hatt, heal, heap, heat, heil, hela, heli, help, heps, hept, hesp, hest, hets, hies, hila, hile, hilt, hipe, hips, hipt, hist, hits, htel, http, ilea, ilth, ipse, isba, isle, isth, ital, itas, itel, labs, laet, lahs, lait, lapb, laps, lase, lash, last, late, lath, lati, lats, leap, leas, leat, leis, lepa, leps, lest, lets, lett, lias, libs, lies, lipa, lipe, lips, lish, lisp, list, lite, lith, lits, pahi, pahs, pail, pais, pale, pali, pals, palt, pase, pash, pasi, past, pate, path, pats, patt, peai, peal, peas, peat, peba, pehs, pela, pelt, pesa, pest, peta, pets, phat, phil, phis, phit, pial, pias, pies, piet, pila, pile, pisa, pise, pish, pist, pita, pith, pits, plat, plea, pleb, plia, plie, psha, psia, ptah, ptts, sabe, sail, saip, sale, salp, salt, sate, sati, seah, seal, seat, seil, seit, selt, sept, seta, seth, sett, shab, shap, shea, shet, shia, ship, shit, shpt, sial, sila, sile, silt, sipe, sita, site, sith, slab, slap, slat, slip, slit, spae, spat, spet, spie, spit, stab, stap, stat, step, stet, stib, stie, tabi, tabs, tael, tail, tais, tait, tale, tali, tape, taps, tash, tate, tath, tats, tbsp, teal, teap, teas, teat, teil, tela, teli, tels, telt, tepa, test, teth, tets, thae, thai, that, thea, theb, this, ties, tile, tils, tilt, tipe, tips, tipt, tite, tits, tshi, tsia

3 Letter Words for Battleship

abl, abp, abs, abt, aes, ahi, ahs, ail, ais, ait, alb, ale, alp, als, alt, ape, aph, apl, apt, asb, ase, ash, asl, asp, ast, ate, atp, att, bae, bah, bai, bal, bap, bas, bat, bel, bes, bet, bhp, bis, bit, bls, blt, bpi, bps, bpt, bsh, btl, eas, eat, ebs, ehs, ela, elb, eli, els, elt, epa, epi, esp, est, eta, eth, hab, hae, hap, has, hat, hei, hel, hep, hes, het, hia, hie, hip, his, hit, hts, iba, ihp, ihs, ile, iph, ipl, ips, ise, ish, isl, ist, ita, its, lab, lah, lai, lap, las, lat, lbs, lea, lei, lep, les, let, lhb, lib, lie, lip, lis, lit, lst, pah, pal, pas, pat, pbs, pea, peh, pel, pes, pet, phi, pht, pia, pie, pil, pis, pit, pli, psi, pst, pta, pte, pts, ptt, sab, sah, sai, sal, sap, sat, sbe, sea, sei, sel, sep, set, sha, she, shi, shp, sht, sib, sie, sil, sip, sit, sla, sle, slt, spa, spl, spt, sta, tab, tai, tal, tap, tas, tat, tbs, tea, tel, tes, tet, tha, thb, the, tib, tie, til, tip, tis, tit, tph, tpi, tps, tsh, tsi, tsp, tst

Definitions for Battleship

[1] any of a class of warships that are the most heavily armored and are equipped with the most powerful armament.
[2] ship of the line.
[3] a heavily armoured warship of the largest type having many large-calibre guns
[4] (formerly) a warship of sufficient size and armament to take her place in the line of battle; ship of the line

Words related to Battleship


Words nearby Battleship

battlefield, battlefront, battlement, battlepiece, battleplane, battleship, battleship gray, battlesome, battleworthy, battologize, battology

Origin of Battleship

An Americanism dating back to 1785–95; battle1 + ship1

Synonyms for Battleship

battlewagon, floating fortress